Now that he’s in custody and supposedly cooperating, I wonder if Saddam will have anything to say about this.
I should add, head over to Instapundit, The Corner and The Command Post for a steady roundup of the news and reaction to it. The press’ reaction is the most interesting.
[Update just before the President’s statement]
OMG! As if things weren’t bad enough for the idiotarians, on the same day as Saddam’s capture, after years of prodding, cajoling and threats, the inimitable Iowahawk has finally started a blog. Behold it, and despair.
[Update just before noon]
He’s continuing to build the site in real time. I just checked a few minutes ago, and he now has finished (or at least better populated) his “About” page, and he’s steadily adding to the blogroll. No Paypal button yet, though, despite his admonition.