Category Archives: War Commentary

Happy Grafitti

Mohammed at Iraq The Model has an encouraging story of a trip to the southern part of Iraq:

The point behind all these pictures and stories I mentioned is that the people started to speak out and express their feelings and here we

For What It’s Worth

I’ve had several people find their way to this site today with searches on variants of “Berg Decapitation Beheading Video etc.”

Not a single one came searching for information on Abu Ghraib.

Those stupid people. They won’t let their betters tell them what’s news.

[Update at 4:30 PM PDT]

Here’s a weird one–“Arab locust beheading”

[Update on Friday afternoon]

Brian Linse disagrees.

In a sense he makes my point. There probably are many people looking for this item merely for the dubious pleasure of watching a snuff film, but the fact remains that demand for it is relatively high because the same news outlets that couldn’t wait to show us pornography that reflected badly on the administration remain unwilling to show something that might arouse “the American street.”

For What It’s Worth

I’ve had several people find their way to this site today with searches on variants of “Berg Decapitation Beheading Video etc.”

Not a single one came searching for information on Abu Ghraib.

Those stupid people. They won’t let their betters tell them what’s news.

[Update at 4:30 PM PDT]

Here’s a weird one–“Arab locust beheading”

[Update on Friday afternoon]

Brian Linse disagrees.

In a sense he makes my point. There probably are many people looking for this item merely for the dubious pleasure of watching a snuff film, but the fact remains that demand for it is relatively high because the same news outlets that couldn’t wait to show us pornography that reflected badly on the administration remain unwilling to show something that might arouse “the American street.”

For What It’s Worth

I’ve had several people find their way to this site today with searches on variants of “Berg Decapitation Beheading Video etc.”

Not a single one came searching for information on Abu Ghraib.

Those stupid people. They won’t let their betters tell them what’s news.

[Update at 4:30 PM PDT]

Here’s a weird one–“Arab locust beheading”

[Update on Friday afternoon]

Brian Linse disagrees.

In a sense he makes my point. There probably are many people looking for this item merely for the dubious pleasure of watching a snuff film, but the fact remains that demand for it is relatively high because the same news outlets that couldn’t wait to show us pornography that reflected badly on the administration remain unwilling to show something that might arouse “the American street.”