Category Archives: War Commentary
Lunar Exploration And Enduring National Interest
A long but interesting discussion with Scott Pace on space policy.
The Remaking Of America
A depressing litany of how far we’ve fallen in this century.
The Atomic Bombs
Did they prevent Stalin from conquering all of Europe after the defeat of Nazi Germany?
(Nuclear engineer) Bob Zubrin reviews the movie.
Putin’s Options In Ukraine
He’s running out of them.
The Counter Offensive
The Russians see Ukrainian progress even if others don’t.
Defanging The Russian Nuclear Threat
Thoughts from Kori Schake.
“Toxic” Masculinity
In (too rare these days) praise of it.
I personally find the idea of combat almost unimaginable.
Obama’s Russian Doctrine
…had a long destructive shadow that persists to this day, thanks to Biden bringing in so many Obama retreads.