Category Archives: War Commentary

Advocating For Genocide

Thoughts from Eugene Volokh.

The problem to me is that we’ve overbroadened the definition of genocide to the point that it’s lost useful meaning. I don’t agree that simply killing large numbers of an ethnic group justifies being called that. While what the Japanese did in Manchuria was atrocious and horrific, and clearly a war crime, I don’t think that it was genocide, because I don’t think (correct me if I’m wrong historians) that it was done with an intent to wipe an ethnicity off the face of the planet. Similarly, while what we did in Dresden and Tokyo and other cities was arguably a war crime, it was not genocide. But what the Nazis did clearly was, and what Hamas is calling for, and those college students are supporting (“gas the Jews”) clearly is.

The Counterrevolution Continues

Not in just Italy, but the Dutch are fighting back against the climate/globalist lunacy.

[Update a few minutes later]

Can Europe become western again?

Let’s have some actual “Truthsgiving” to celebrate the holiday.

Conquest without morality was the rule of all peoples and nations until a couple of hundred years ago. Only in the very recent past has morality become a major consideration in warfare.

And the people most responsible for adding moral considerations to the law of conquest were…Europeans.

People pushing the Victim Narrative pretend that their ancestors were morally superior to their conquerors. In fact, they were not. Their ancestors conquered everyone they could conquer. The Commanche Empire conquered other Indian tribes, which is why Indian tribes allied with American government to fight the Commanches.

If Indians had advanced shipbuilding, navigation, and steel-working, they would have conquered Europe.

Native Americans’ ancestors did not refuse to do this because they were more moral. They didn’t do it because they simply couldn’t do it. They were not superior in morality; they were simply inferior in technology.

And all of this endless bullshit whining about generations-old conquests is just a nasty cope.

You’ve heard of “Victor’s Justice,” in which the winner of a war can vindictively set the terms for peace…? Well we live now in an age of Loser’s Justice, when the losers of the war can, somehow, endlessly torment the great-great-great-granchildren of the winners of their ancestors having won in war.

And we’re sick of it, and we’re done with it. We never point this out, because we don’t want to upset people who are clearly insecure about their ancestors’ failures. Who wants to pick on the fat kid?

We need to decolonize academia, big business, and Hollywood, of leftist insanity.

[Friday-morning update]

Revamp education to end the cultural rot.

[Afternoon update]

A brief history of settler/colonialism. TL;DR: Everyone did it.

Bari Weiss

…gave a speech for the ages at the Federalist Society.

[Update a few minutes later]

Could the war in Gaza sink Biden? I hope it tears the Democrat Party apart. There should be no doubt at this point from what part of the political spectrum the anti-Semitism emanates. The frightening thing to me is how generational it is. Thanks to the Marxist takeover of our educational system, we’ve managed to raise young people to hate Jews, and to hate America.

[Update a while later]

It is time for us to all be Jews.