…but how did this happen?
Competence doesn’t seem to be a high priority with this administration.
…but how did this happen?
Competence doesn’t seem to be a high priority with this administration.
Time for a factory reset at the Pentagon.
We’re not going to get one until we get a new president.
I often wonder what country the State Department is working for.
…is not understood.
A long, but thorough defense from Casey Handmer.
America is unprepared.
I didn’t live through the late 1930s, but from what I understand of it by reading history and the experiences of people who did, this era is feeling frighteningly similar.
Why is it dominated by wild-eyed young women?
I wonder if this is related to the attraction of some women to serial killers and prisoners?
Even to those who take offense at being wished a merry Christmas. I’m not a Christian, or believer in general, but neither am I one of the too many godless who demonize them.
Given the events of the past several weeks, it has to be a very sad Christmas in the place of Christ’s birth. The home of someone who came to bring peace remains roiled in a brutal war, fought against savage people who, if they ever got the power to eliminate those people from whom He was descended, would next take on the rest of us infidels.
With what’s happening in Ukraine and Israel, it’s perhaps one of the most somber holidays in almost eight decades, but we should rejoice that those of us in America remain at peace for now, and offer our thoughts and hopes and (if you do that) prayers to those who are suffering not just on this day, but for all days.
Sobering thoughts from Larry Correia.
The cleanest ethical solution is to kill them in battle.