Looks like an interesting approach and philosophy. I’m always happy to see competition for SpaceX. We need a more robust industry.
Category Archives: Technology and Society
Climate Change
…is a dangerous cult.
Why yes, yes it is.
[Tuesday-morning update]
The World Economic Forum is a dangerous religious cult.
Yes, and one with far too much power.
“The Road To The Stars Is Now Open”
That was Korolev’s quote from sixty-five years ago, when Sputnik launched.
[Afternoon update]
It’s also the eighteenth anniversary of the flight that won the X-Prize. I missed this at the time, but I’m greatly saddened to learn that my friend (and office mate at Rotary Rocket in the 90s), Brian Binnie, died a couple weeks ago.
I hadn’t realized that he finally published his book. I read and offered to publish a draft of it years ago, but at that time, he wasn’t able to publish it due to constraints from Northrop Grumman. I wonder what changed?
Norm Augustine
The Ukrainian Way Of War
A video, and thoughts.
Thoughts On Putin’s Speech
The Transition Continues
A reboost/upgrade of Hubble with a private mission.
We’ll be seeing a lot of innovation to replace the capabilities that were lost with the Shuttle, and probably more willingness to accept risk.
What I haven’t heard is how they propose to do the EVA from Dragon. They don’t have an airlock, so presumably they’d have to blow down the cabin, and then repressurize when they come back in. Did SpaceX cold plate the avionics so it doesn’t need cabin atmosphere for cooling?
I’m no Chem E, but this seems like a pretty plausible explanation to me.
Hurricane Hunting
Why are we still sending flight crews into the eye when we could have instrumented drones? Do they not have the range? Or is there some self-interest on the part of the flight crews involved here?
Movie Dialogue
Why it’s gotten hard to understand. A long, but interesting (at least to me, who in a former life was an audio engineer) read.
[Afternoon update]
This story reminded me of this spoof of The Dark Knight.