I hope that this is just the first of many miracle cures.
Category Archives: Technology and Society
Gerard Van Der Leun
Sadly, we’re apparently about to lose one of the great bloggers. If you’re the praying sort, spare some for him.
[Wednesday update]
Neo comes out.
I was not expecting that. My best wishes to both of them.
Rubble Piles
Asteroids may be a bigger problem than we thought.
One thought: Weave a giant net out of space-sourced materials and consolidate it, then tow with a gravity tractor. Or hell, a gravity tractor would probably work without the net.
Artificial Gravity
Last week’s Beyond Earth Institute seminar is on line.
Spying Televisions
Some advice on how to stop it. But I’m surprised that she doesn’t provide the simplest solution, which is what I do: Don’t give it your wifi password. The assumption seems to be here that you are using the “smart” features of the television, but I just use mine for a video monitor.
The Recycling Religion
Yes, it’s a waste of time and money.
Plant-Based Foods
I’m completely unsurprised. I do continue to look forward to actual artificial meat, though, particularly pork.
The Deep Blue Sea
No, we don’t know more about the moon than the sea bottom. We haven’t even started to drill it.
The Robots Advance
The latest trick from Boston Dynamics.
AI Fuel
Are we running out? An interesting essay.