A good op-ed from Donald Robertson. He’s saying things that have been obvious for years, but that too many people pretend aren’t the case.
Category Archives: Technology and Society
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A New Form Of Ice
As noted, we continue to not know what we don’t know about H2O. I wonder at what temperatures it maintains the properties, and if it will have any practical applications.
Virgin Orbit
…might be on its last legs.
#GoogleLeaks Tells #TwitterFiles To Hold Its Beer
There need to be congressional investigations into this. These people are at war with half country, and they have far too much power.
I don’t know if it’s related, but recently Google has started randomly blocking my emails to Gmail users as spam. It’s very annoying.
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ChatGPT Plus has Google in its sites.
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This seems to be the problem with my email. It did start in November, I think.
NASA’s Safety Culture
Twenty years after Columbia, is it fixed?
LEO Satellites
How low can they go?
The good thing about those altitudes is that unless there is active maintenance, their orbits won’t be long lived.
I’m Sorry, Dave, But I Can’t Do That
ChatGPT is now (among other things) refusing to defend fossil fuel use.
Hail Columbia
Hard to believe it’s been two decades now. Of the three tragic NASA anniversaries, this was the only one that occurred after I started blogging. Here‘s what I wrote about it at the time. Posts are in reverse chronological order, so scroll to the bottom and work your way up.
The Unvaccinated
How they (that is, we) got it right.