Category Archives: Technology and Society

Another Delay

Might be weather. That pushes it to at least Friday.

[Wednesday-evening update]

Yes, as noted in comments, apparently the launch is back on for tomorrow morning. Elon must have really wanted to do it on 4/20.


[Late-evening update]

[Thursday-morning update]

Well, the excitement happened. It will be interesting to see the post mortem, but just getting off the pad and through max-Q were major milestones for the first flight of such a beast.

[Afternoon update]

Here‘s Eric Berger’s take.

And more thoughts from Blake Powers.

Marina Koren’s story on Elon’s explosive day.

Starship Is Still Not Understood

I missed this the first time around, about a year and a half ago, but it parallels many of the points that I made in my piece at The New Atlantis about the same time.

[Update late morning]

Airbus seems to be getting serious about space. I don’t see how the centrifuge helps all that much, though. The radius is too small for significant gravity, though it would help a lot to put the plumbing in it.

Make Your Flight-Test Predictions

[Late-afternoon update]

Go for Monday. SpaceX has gotten their launch license.

That means I have to get up at an ungodly hour to see the launch (window opens at 0500 PDT).