Category Archives: Technology and Society

Boeing’s Latest Starliner Woes

CNN is generally a terrible news source, at least on politics, but Jackie Wattles is an excellent space reporter.

[Update a few minutes later]

Not space related, but an example of how scurrilous (and hypocritical) CNN can be in general, despite their good reporters.

[Update a couple minutes later]

Is this vehicle cursed?

[Friday-morning update]

The latest, from Jim Meigs.


[Saturday-afternoon update]

The return is now delayed indefinitely.


The Stanford Internet Observatory

Good riddance.

A recent House Judiciary Committee report alleges that, by cooperating with the Department of Homeland Security, the SIO’s Election Integrity Partnership “provided a way for the federal government to launder its censorship activities in hopes of bypassing both the First Amendment and public scrutiny.”

Of course it did.

Disk-Copying issues

I’m trying to clone my SSD Linux boot drive to an on-board NVME. I use dd to copy, and it says it’s done, but when I look at the drives in Disks, the main partition on the NVME is 1G smaller than the one on the SSD ( 248 versus 247, and the NVME has a few gigs of free space), and it doesn’t recognize the partition type. I’ve tried it twice, and gotten the same result. Is there something I’m missing?

[Update a few minutes later]

Never mind.

[Update a while later]

OK, so it turns out that it did work, even though it wasn’t supposed to. When I rebooted and looked at the disks again, they were identical (except that the NVME had some free space on it, so apparently it was a little larger than the SSD). All seems to be well so far, and for the first time, I’m booting from the motherboard. So if someone tells you that you can’t clone a Linux boot drive to an NVME with dd, tell them they’re wrong.