Category Archives: Technology and Society

A Rare Event

I noted several years ago that SpaceX had made landing boosters routine, so much so that it was news not when they landed, but when they failed. On this morning’s flight, there was news.

It was a long-lived booster, with twenty-three flights under its belt. It will be very interesting to see what caused it, and if it was fatigue. When I was at the Cape three weeks ago, I was told that the original goal for reuse was ten flights, but with multiple boosters exceeding twenty, the new goal was forty. We’ll see if there is some life-limiting issue that can’t be maintained around.

[Late-morning update]

This is ridiculous.

I could understand their saying “No RTLS until you figure out what happened.” But to stand down launches over a landing failure? How can they justify that?

[Afternoon update]

Bob Zimmerman is less than impressed as well.

Where No Woman Has Gone Before

It looks like Polaris Dawn is finally about to launch.

Everyone has noted that this will be the highest-altitude flight since Apollo, but all of the Apollo astronauts were men. Menon and Gillis will hold the altitude record for women after this, until a woman goes to the moon (which may or not be on Artemis, given the ongoing boondoggle).

[Update a while later]

Bob Zimmerman has thoughts on the latest SLS fiasco.

[Wednesday-afternoon update]

Explaining Russia And Ukraine

This is a little more crude than probably necessary, but it’s pretty much correct.

[Update a while later]

[Update a few minutes later]

Four key Russian railway junctions. It’s a huge vulnerability, and likely part of Ukraine’s plans.