Category Archives: Space

Nice Straw Man

Does Mark Whittington want to name names, or provide credible examples from serious people?

This may annoy some people who, on the one hand, preach libertarian cant and, on the other hand, demand government pay money up front, before the promised hardware is even built, not to mention delivered.

Most “libertarians” that I know have been demanding that the government only pay for progress, when achieved. Mark’s straw man notion has in fact been the standard government approach with the big contractors for years, with dismal results.

A Heart Breaker

It looks like the private solar sail mission may have gone in the drink.

This just points up how ridiculous our space transportation situation is. There is no other field in which we would accept the horrifically low reliability of vehicles, and the only reason for it is that we’ve historically simply come to accept it, and won’t demand better.

[Update on Wednesday morning]

Good news. Or at least better news. They seem to have found it. It’s not in the right orbit, but it’s in an orbit. Let’s hope it’s in an orbit that will last long enough to get it on its sunshiny way.

[Another update at 9:20 AM]

Emily Lakdawalla is blogging the progress.

[Update at 1:20 PM EDT]

Looks like the mission is history.