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Category Archives: Space
Lunar ISRU
I’m glad to see that Blue Origin is making some breakthroughs in some areas. This implies (among other things) that solar power satellites could be partially constructed from lunar materials. The question is whether it makes economic sense compared to low-cost launch from Earth.
[Afternoon update]
[Tuesday-morning update]
Here’s the story from Eric Berger.
The Russian Space Program
As he notes, it’s very unlikely that both spacecraft suffered from MMOD. It looks like QC issue.
The Static Fire
An Angry Astronaut
Does NASA still have safety problems?
Yes, but as I wrote in my book, many of them are in fact a result of risk aversion.
Can it really launch three times a day?
We’re going to have to completely rethink “ranges.”
Live Long And Prosper
…if they will let you.
What Future For The SLS?
A good op-ed from Donald Robertson. He’s saying things that have been obvious for years, but that too many people pretend aren’t the case.
Virgin Orbit
…might be on its last legs.