My mind is boggled at how Boeing could spend that much money on a project, and still not having it fly. I wonder if the cost-plus culture infected the program?
Category Archives: Space
If You Start To Go To The South Pole
Go to the south pole. Michelle Hanlon and I respond to Walt Faulconer’s op-ed from last week advocating for Tranquility Base as the first destination for Artemis.
Overstepping Its Authority
Some in Congress want to give the FCC the power to regulate anything in space with a radio. Fortunately, there’s pushback:
The Psychology Of Disneyland
Trung Phan thinks it’s still the Magic Kingdom.
I wonder what Walt would think of what’s happened to the company today.
Foresight’s Space Workshop
I don’t think I appear in this video, but I was in attendance last month.
54 Years On
Neil and Buzz landed on the Moon on this day. It’s now been over half a century since the last man kicked up the regolith there. I’ll be on The Space Show this evening (1900 PDT) to talk about it, and space in general.
[Late-morning update]
Anniversary thoughts from Rick Tumlinson. He worries too much about the “climate crisis,” though. And he’s fooling himself if he really thinks that China is worried about it.
Commercial Space Legislation
An industry wish list.
The BE-4 Explosion
Yes, you shouldn’t be learning new things in an acceptance test, but sometimes you do.
Our New Space Race
A review of Ashlee Vance’s latest book. Highly recommended.
Astra Carta
Bob Zimmerman isn’t impressed.