…for life on Mars. Actually, there are a lot of people who should hope that we don’t find life on Mars, if we ever want to colonize it ourselves.
Category Archives: Space Science
Big Deal
I have a new piece up on this week’s non-discovery of water on Mars.
Is this really as big a deal as NASA is making of it?
Data from recent missions to Mars has been building toward a confirmation of the presence of water ice. However, “this would be the first time we held it in our hands, so to speak,” says Bryan DeBates, a senior aerospace education specialist at the Space Foundation. Evidence from other locations in the solar system, including Earth’s moon, Saturn’s Enceladus moon and Jupiter’s Europa moon, have strongly hinted at the presence of water–NASA confirmed a liquid lake on Saturn’s Titan moon on Wednesday–but no direct observation of water has been made.
Haven’t we been pretty certain for years that there was ice on Mars (and outer planet moons, and comets)? What’s the big deal here? If there’s a story at all, it seems to me that it’s about the amount of water available, not the fact that we have “direct confirmation.”
Smart Robotic Space Explorers
This is the future of space exploration. Which is why we have to stop talking about “exploration” as a justification for humans in space.
[Update in the evening]
Commenter Paul Dietz recommends >Saturn’s Children as a relevant book on the subject. If it’s like most of Stross’ work, it’s hard to go wrong.
Space Carnival Time
Now with 43% more Tonguska.
Blogtalking Space
Sorry I didn’t mention it yesterday so you could listen live, but hey, the ability to download and listen at your own convenience is one of the features of the Interweb. Last night I did a one-hour interview with Rick Moran on space stuff. Download it here.
Good Spacy Linkage
Over at the latest Carnival of Space.
GLAST Headed To Orbit
It looks like Boeing had a successful Delta 2 launch (delayed by twenty minutes) today. I guess that since it doesn’t need any specific orbit, as is needed for an ISS launch, there was no critical launch window. I went outside to watch, but as usual, saw nothing. The only launch I’ve ever seen from the house is a Atlas night launch.
Carnival Of Phoenix
Well, it’s actually the latest Carnival of Space, over at the Lifeboat Foundation, but it’s pretty Phoenix-centric.
Phoenix Descending
I have some thoughts on this weekend’s successful arean invasion, over at PJ Media.
[Update at 7:40 AM EDT]
Some less lofty thoughts over at Althouse’s place, particularly in comments.
[Mid-morning update]
Jeff Foust writes about a second chance for an underdog, over at The Space Review.