The B612 Foundation is going to have a press conference at the Seattle Museum of Flight at 2:30 EDT. It will be live streamed.
Category Archives: Space Science
Earth II?
My thoughts on the latest discovery from the Kepler data, over at PJMedia.
Earth-Like Planets
Space Is Really Really Empty
A scale map of the solar system, with the moon as a single pixel.
Giordano Bruno
Sorry #Cosmos, he may have been a martyr for religious freedom, but for science? Not so much.
But, you know, it has that truthiness thing going for it.
The Speed Of Light
Is it slowing down?
Louise Riofrio’s Kickstarter didn’t hit its goal last time, though it came close. She’s taking another shot at it.
…may have more fresh water than on all of earth. Seems in many ways more habitable than Mars.
Mars Or Bust
NPR has a story on various peoples’ plans, including Mars One.
…has woken up:
SIGNAL RECEIVED #AOS European Space Agency has reestablished contact with @ESA_Rosetta 807 million km from Earth #Rosetta
— ESA Operations (@esaoperations) January 20, 2014
Congratulations to ESA. I think people were getting nervous in mission control.
The Peter Principle
Could it explain the Fermi paradox?