Category Archives: Space Science
Water On The Moon
There may be less than previously thought.
That doesn’t mean, of course, that there isn’t enough to be very useful. After all, we used to think there was none at all.
The Deep Space Network
…is in deep kimchi.
I always thought it was stupid to put up cubesats on SLS. That had to be a political decision.
Blame Canada
Prutty good crater ID, eh?
If You Start To Go To The South Pole
Go to the south pole. Michelle Hanlon and I respond to Walt Faulconer’s op-ed from last week advocating for Tranquility Base as the first destination for Artemis.
Human Missions To Mars
Elon can do whatever he wants, but personally, I wouldn’t give NASA a dime to do this. They’ll do it in the most ridiculous, Apollo-like way. The only way I want to see government employees go to Mars is if they buy a ticket from SpaceX (or someone else, though I have no idea who that would be).
It’s A Big Universe
We’re essentially alone in it, and that’s OK.
Life On Earth
…is doomed, without us.
Renaming The Webb Telescope
NASA was right not to do it.
On the other hand, I never thought it should have been named for him in the first place, and not because of the “Lavender Scare” thing. It just didn’t seem appropriate.
A New Form Of Ice
As noted, we continue to not know what we don’t know about H2O. I wonder at what temperatures it maintains the properties, and if it will have any practical applications.