As a reluctant resident, who has never been thrilled with the place, when I read articles like this, I always wonder what the attraction ever was.
My experience with people down here who like it is that they’re from the north or northeast. I rarely meet anyone here who moved from the west, particularly the west coast. My theory is that people who don’t like winter, but do like Atlantic beaches (the only kind with which they’re familiar) think that this is heaven (at least in the winter). But that’s because they’ve never lived any place that’s actually nice, and they’re indifferent to scenery.
Posting from LA. I got off the plane to a beautiful South Bay day yesterday–clear skies, low humidity, mid seventies. And you could see mountains. What a contrast with Florida.
Anyway, driving up the 405 today from Long Beach to Torrance, I was behind a tow truck that had a banner on the back: “AAA Batteries Delivered And Installed.” Unfortunately, the little Canon I carry was in my briefcase in the trunk.
Anyway, considering that I was in Fry’s yesterday, where I could buy twenty four of the little suckers for seven bucks, and most of the plastic covers are pretty easy to get off, I think that the lack of handiness of the American male has gone too far.
Posting from LA. I got off the plane to a beautiful South Bay day yesterday–clear skies, low humidity, mid seventies. And you could see mountains. What a contrast with Florida.
Anyway, driving up the 405 today from Long Beach to Torrance, I was behind a tow truck that had a banner on the back: “AAA Batteries Delivered And Installed.” Unfortunately, the little Canon I carry was in my briefcase in the trunk.
Anyway, considering that I was in Fry’s yesterday, where I could buy twenty four of the little suckers for seven bucks, and most of the plastic covers are pretty easy to get off, I think that the lack of handiness of the American male has gone too far.
Posting from LA. I got off the plane to a beautiful South Bay day yesterday–clear skies, low humidity, mid seventies. And you could see mountains. What a contrast with Florida.
Anyway, driving up the 405 today from Long Beach to Torrance, I was behind a tow truck that had a banner on the back: “AAA Batteries Delivered And Installed.” Unfortunately, the little Canon I carry was in my briefcase in the trunk.
Anyway, considering that I was in Fry’s yesterday, where I could buy twenty four of the little suckers for seven bucks, and most of the plastic covers are pretty easy to get off, I think that the lack of handiness of the American male has gone too far.
I am not a happy camper. I’m willing to camp if it’s necessary to see something not otherwise available in the back country, but I don’t intrinsically enjoy it. But this is overboard, to me. I don’t mind the tents, and cooking, and cleaning, and knot tying, and fire building, but I really, really like plumbing. My ideal expedition would be with pack llamas to carry an inflatable hot tub and propane heater.
I always thought that the “self esteem” movement was a lot of hooey. All of the bullies I knew as a kid didn’t seem to suffer from lack of self esteem. If anything, they had an unjustified overabundance of it.
It’s exactly the kind of untested, unsubstantiated nonsense you’d expect from the education establishment, and unfortunately, too many parents bought into it. Donald Sensing describes some of the effects.