I’m not generally a fan of graphic novels, but this guy’s got some sand. Andy McCarthy has the back story.
Category Archives: Social Commentary
Another Reason To Convert
Necrophilia is acceptable within Islam. I was relieved to see this, though:
Sheikh Zamzami tempered his most unusual fatwa by stating that necrophilia, though Halal is a disgusting act that would be best avoided.
Glad he cleared that up.
A Writer’s Voice
A sad, and beautiful essay from Christopher Hitchens.
Hollywood Versus Reality
Two new biographies dethrone “liberal” icons. I think that most people have known for a while what a thug Malcolm X was, but it’s definitely past time to demystify Gandhi.
The Osama Pity Party
Actually, as noted, I think this is just another way to express anti-Americanism.
[Update a few minutes later]
Speaking of which, I give you Michael Moore, educating us unwashed types on true patriotism.
News You Can Use
Well, at least if you’re a guy. Or a lesbian.
How to stimul@te a woman above the waist.
Hey, even I learned something. And on that subject, that’s a high bar for me…
Asking The Important Questions
What should denizens of Wyoming be called?
Air S3x?
Well, here’s something I don’t think I want to watch.
Heart Muscles And Fat
Gee, what do you know?
…eliminating or severely limiting fats from the diet may not be beneficial to cardiac function in patients suffering from heart failure, a study at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine reports. Results from biological model studies conducted by assistant professor of physiology and biophysics Margaret Chandler, PhD, and other researchers, demonstrate that a high-fat diet improved overall mechanical function, in other words, the heart’s ability to pump, and was accompanied by cardiac insulin resistance.
How many people has the FDA and the nutrition/industrial complex killed with the fatophobia over the past decades? I’m pretty sure my father was one of them.
And I continue to be amazed at how easy it is to find “low-fat” or “fat-free” products in the interior aisles of the grocery store (especially in the candy aisle…), but almost impossible to find low-sodium products.
Thoughts On Cleaning Up My Office
If you can’t remember why you have a memento, or when you got it or where, it’s probably not a memento any more.