Pr0n stars want to know if bin Laden got off on them.
Category Archives: Social Commentary
Children-At-Play Signs
Are they hazardous to childrens’ health? They’re not quite as stupid as the “Baby On Board” signs.
The Semi-Colon
Do we need it?
I use it a lot less than I used to, but the main thing that I use it for is in sentences with a list after a colon, to delimit the list items, allowing them to then use commas.
For example, consider the following: item one; item two, with a comma; item three, also with a comma; item four.
The “New Civility” BS
Thoughts on death threats from the left.
It’s who they are. It’s what they do. And then, like all their other pathologies, they project it on their political opponents.
End It, Don’t Mend It
It’s time for affirmative action to stop. Long past time, really.
And while it’s been disastrous for many of those it has purported to help, in November of 2008 it ended up being disastrous for the country.
Pathologizing Human Nature
Is there such a thing as “s3x addiction“? If there is, there’s nowhere near as much of it as some would have you believe.
Libertarianism Versus Selfishness
A smack down of Michael Gerson, who never fails to unimpress. And, as Glenn notes, there is nothing generous about being charitable with other peoples’ money.
Queen Catherine?
I’m assuming that will be her formal title if William ascends, though she would not be sovereign?
Innie Or Outie?
Where should the commas and periods go?
I’ve been putting them outside for so long, it would be hard to change, but I agree that it’s not logical to do so (particularly as a sometime Unix programmer). As a colonial, though, I do resent doing it “British style.” Didn’t we fight a couple wars over that sort of thing? I think we even won at least one of them. Next they’ll demand that we add superfluous “u”s to words.
The Wichita Lineman
Who does the best cover?
Jimmy Webb was a great songwriter, but no one could ever do it better than Glenn Campbell. Though the James Taylor version is listenable.
What is really sad, is how unappreciated a guitar picker he was. Though you wouldn’t know it from the Wichita Lineman video.
And yes, the lyrics, can’t be beat: “And I need you more than want you…and I want you for all time…”
[Update a couple minutes later]
The genius of the Campbell arrangement was the morse code background in the chorus of the radio hit, though you won’t hear it in the linked video above. It’s sad and frightening how many memories listening to that song brings back. Reading the comments of people much younger at the video of the ’68 hit is even more poignant.