Good advice from Frank J. Some commenters over at Space Politics should read it.
Category Archives: Social Commentary
Facebook “Friends”
I’ve commented in the past that I’m much more selective about whom I friend on Facebook than a lot of people seem to be. I will never respond to a friend request from someone who I don’t know, in the sense of having met them either on line or in meatspace, with the exception of those who actually introduce themselves and explain why they want me to friend them. This is just one reason why.
Bipartisan Stupidity
Thoughts from Virginia Postrel on the light-bulb ban.
[Update a few minutes later]
More bipartisan stupidity (or crony capitalism, take your pick): the hidden costs of the ethanol subsidy. If you wonder why food prices are going up, this is one of the big factors.
Bad Timing
So, I was thinking to myself the other day, “Well self, at least Anthony and Huma don’t have any kids.” Now we find out that she’s pregnant.
Freedom And Locale
Some thoughts. While a lot of people will continue to live in California despite it’s relative lack of economic freedom (like me, for one, for a while), there’s been a lot of outward migration to Texas.
Brainless Feminist Twits
…and the men they love. They probably swooned over Alan Grayson, too.
[Update a couple minutes later]
Beware of feminist men. And “liberal” “men” who don’t get it.
It Doesn’t Look Like The Depression
Color photographs of the thirties. I always think of the world as being black and white back then, because that’s what all the photos are. It kind of reminds me of this classic exchange between Calvin and his dad:
Calvin: How come old photographs are always black and white? Didn’t they have color film back then?
Dad: Sure they did. In fact, those old photographs are in color. It’s just that the world was black and white then. The world didn’t turn color until sometime in the 1930s, and it was pretty grainy color for a while, too.
Calvin: But then why are old paintings in color?! If the world was black and white, wouldn’t artists have painted it that way?
Dad: Not necessarily. A lot of great artists were insane.
Calvin: But… But how could they have painted in color anyway? Wouldn’t their paints have been shades of gray back then?
Dad: Of course, but they turned colors like everything else did in the ’30s.
Calvin: So why didn’t old black and white photos turn color too?
Dad: Because they were color pictures of black and white, remember?
That kid’s going to need a therapist.
…versus the summer of Nixon.
[Update a few minutes later]
It took her long enough–Ann Althouse has finally given up on CNN. As a commenter notes, they didn’t call it the Clinton News Network in the nineties for nothing.
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Breitbart and his team of editors and contributors (of which I am one) are everything that the press hates. We find the facts that either they don’t find or they choose to ignore, and we reveal them to the public. As the guy whose name is on all the sites, along with being the content director and a reporter, Breitbart’s job is to publicly take the body slams directed at all the writers including himself.
Let’s face it, Breitbart’s “Big” sites not only shoot down the progressive media’s political idols, but they make the press seem incompetent for not reporting those stories themselves.
When it comes to leftists, they have no journalistic instincts.
[Update a few minutes more later]
The danger to the left of the hypocrisy defense:
Within the parameters of this “Hypocrisy Defense”…Which do you think the general public prefers: An ideology that at least tries to champion a moral code, but whose adherents sometimes fail to live up to it; or an ideology that by its own definition is inherently immoral and whose adherents don’t even have a moral code to violate?
The liberals are taking a HUGE gamble that a majority of Americans will throw in their lot with the party of immorality.
As the old saying goes, hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue.
Ten Misused Words In English
The only one of these that I may have misused in the past is “bemused.” The rest I already had down cold.
A New Museum
Lileks does it again. Be sure to watch the intro.
[Update a couple minutes later]
Peripherally related: an ode to Mickey (among other things).