Category Archives: Social Commentary
Live Free
…or die. The latest Afterburner from Bill Whittle. Should the Reno Air Races be ended? Are we a nation of adults, or overgrown children?
An Irreproducible Result
I’m not sure that the conclusion follows from this paper.
I haven’t checked all the math, though.
[Update a while later]
Isn’t it funny how a common word can start to look really weird, even foreign and meaningless, when you see it enough times?
S3xual Repression
Reconsidering it.
The Gift That Keeps Giving
When you have a new students coming in every year, and others leaving, it’s not surprising that the leftist racists continue to be flummoxed by the bake sale. It always ties them up in knots of illogic, particularly when it’s the first time they’ve seen it.
The Good Life
When poverty is defined as relative want rather than existential need, states decay and societies decline. In the fifth century, Athenians were content to be paid to go to the theater; by the fourth, they were paid also to vote — even as they hired mercenaries to fight and forgot who won at Salamis, and why. Flash mobbing did not hit bulk food stores. The looters organized on Facebook through laptops and cell phones, not through organizing during soup kitchens and bread lines. Random assaults were not because of elemental poverty, but anger at not having exactly what appears on TV.
Obesity, not malnutrition, is the affliction at Wal-Mart. In our strange culture, that someone drives an overpriced BMW apparently means that our own Toyotas don’t have air conditioners or stereos. But that John Edwards or John Kerry or Al Gore has a huge house doesn’t mean that mine is inadequate — or the tract homes that sprout in my community for new arrivals from Mexico are too small.
Of course, the elite have responsibility to use their largess wisely and not turn into the Kardashians. But that a fifth of one percent of the taxpayers are finding ways not to pay at the income tax rate on their large incomes does not hurt the republic as much as 50% of the population paying no income tax at all. The latter noble sorts do not bother us as much, but their noncompliance bothers the foundations of our society far more than that of the stingy, but minuscule, number of grasping rich.
Is Someone Out To Get You?
Then don’t take a cruise.
165 murders seems like a lot, but how does it compare with the general population in terms of murder rate? A lot of people take cruises.
The Price Of S3x
…has plummeted. I guess it’s a good time to be a single guy. Not that I’d know.
[Late evening update]
Sorry, here’s the link.
“The Greatest Generation”
…and the one it spawned (of which I’m a member).
NASA’s Falling Satellite
I answer six questions about it over at Popular Mechanics.
[Update a few minutes later]
Well, FEMA can relax — it won’t fall on us.
[Evening update, at least on the west coast]
Yes, I know that Skylab came in in 1979. I hope it will be fixed tomorrow.