Is it coercive?
Category Archives: Social Commentary
The World’s Greatest Philanthropist
…was Steve Jobs.
The part of the piece that most struck me was this:
A 2006 Wired article on Jobs, “Great Wealth Does Not Make a Great Man,” reported that even though his wealth was estimated at $3.3 billion, Jobs’s name did not appear on Giving USA’s list of gifts of $5 million or more for the previous four years, nor on another that list showing gifts of $1 million or more. (The article acknowledged that he could have been giving anonymously.)
The article took a cheap shot: “Jobs can’t even get behind causes that would seem to carry deep personal meaning…he is a cancer survivor. But unlike [Lance] Armstrong, Jobs has so far done little publicly to raise money or awareness for the disease.” It went on, “…he’s nothing more than a greedy capitalist who’s amassed an obscene fortune. It’s shameful…[Bill] Gates is much more deserving of Jobs’ rock star exaltation. In the same way, I admire Bono over Mick Jagger, and John Lennon over Elvis, because they spoke up about things bigger than their own celebrity.” Yes, but in part their own celebrity was connected to the things they spoke up about.
Emphasis mine.
Really? Is there an adult on the planet, or at least in this country, who is unaware of cancer? Really? Does their awareness really need to be raised? Will the elevation of their “awareness” somehow magically result in less cancer?
This kind of “journalism” isn’t just stupid, it is insipid.
Signs Of Decline
You know your city has become a hellhole when…
The End Of Servants
The world has changed.
I know that if I were rich, I wouldn’t want them. I hate being waited on and like to do things for myself. It’s one of the reasons I don’t really enjoy dining out — I merely tolerate it.
There Will Be A Test Later
Lessons in achieving consensus.
I like the twinkles.
Charlie Martin suddenly feels better about Huntsman. I can see why.
Skills That Recent IT Grads Are Lacking
Seven of them. It’s probably a problem with technical degrees in general, not just IT.
Should Liberals Be Skeptical?
…it is just not the protesters’ apparent allergy to capitalism and suspicion of normal democratic politics that should raise concerns. It is also their temperament. The protests have made a big deal of the fact that they arrive at their decisions through a deliberative process. But all their talk of “general assemblies” and “communiqués” and “consensus” has an air of group-think about it that is, or should be, troubling to liberals. “We speak as one,” Occupy Wall Street stated in its first communiqué, from September 19. “All of our decisions, from our choices to march on Wall Street to our decision to camp at One Liberty Plaza were decided through a consensus process by the group, for the group.” The air of group-think is only heightened by a technique called the “human microphone” that has become something of a signature for the protesters. When someone speaks, he or she pauses every few words and the crowd repeats what the person has just said in unison. The idea was apparently logistical—to project speeches across a wide area—but the effect when captured on video is genuinely creepy.
True liberals certainly should be. But most people who call themselves that these days aren’t. And of course, it’s hard to take very seriously anyone who thinks that Dodd-Frank is “the best liberal hope for improving democratically regulated capitalism.”
[Update a while later]
The Wall Street protesters have been sold a bill of goods:
The narrative that came out of these events—largely propagated by government officials and accepted by a credulous media—was that the private sector’s greed and risk-taking caused the financial crisis and the government’s policies were not responsible. This narrative stimulated the punitive Dodd-Frank Act—fittingly named after Congress’s two key supporters of the government’s destructive housing policies. It also gave us the occupiers of Wall Street.
We have to take back the narrative.
NASA’s Insane Risk Aversion
My latest rant on the ISS situation, over at Open Market.
Now We Have To Worry About The Northern Border, Too
Reasons to fear Canada.
As if we needed more.