Obama’s remark about Sarkozy’s looks offends the French. Of course, the French are easily offended. And given to offense themselves.
Category Archives: Social Commentary
Your Email Address
What it says about your computer skilz.
[Via Paul Hsieh]
…gone wild? It could be a new show on E!
Why can’t anyone ever get a good picture of a ghost?
Thoughts On Cosmology
…and early German movies, from Lileks.
[Update a couple minutes later]
Ain’t it the truth? Dispatches from Venus, and Mars.
The Lower Elite Versus The Upper Elite
More thoughts on Kenneth Anderson’s post, from Megan McArdle.
My Pet Peeve Du Jour
I hate web pages that don’t let you back out of them. It’s an interesting story about using math to track gang activity, but follow the link at your peril.
[Update for those interested]
I’m using Firefox 6.0.2 in Linux.
What To Do With The Halloween Candy
Just eat it.
I agree. I have sort of a sweet tooth, so that’s one of the things I’ve given up on this paleolithic diet, but I figure if I’m going to break the diet, I might as well do it whole hog and get it out of my system. As the dentist in the article says, it’s better for the teeth to eat all the candy at once than to have a steady diet of it for weeks. The same goes to the glycemic effects, I think. If I overdo it on salt or sugar in a single meal, I can get back to the routine within a day or two. Also, I bought dark chocolate Hershey’s kisses, which the kids might not like as much, but will be heart healthy for me if I have leftovers.
[Update, a while later]
It is dusk, and the streets are empty.
This just validates my long-standing thesis that Halloween has been taken over from the kids, who used to go trick-or-treating, and used to be free range, to the adult baby boomers, who don’t want to grow up.
Halloween Horrors
The “Occupy” Movement
…should be occupying prison:
The media has by and large been very supportive of the various Occupy stunts organized by unions and radical groups. The allegations of rape, pimping underage girls and underage drinking are largely ignored by a national press that repeatedly lied about the peaceful, law-abiding Tea Party movement. With Occupy, police have had to arrest more than 1,000 Occupiers — even as police ignore permit violations, camping violations and pot-smoking. I cannot recall police arresting a single Tea Party member, even though there were 100 times as many of them.
My hope is the American people will see through this charade and vote Republican next year in a backlash against this group of freeloaders.
I hope so, too. I wish there were a better alternative, though.
[Update a while later]
A message for #OWS from an oil rigger’s wife.
A Unified Theory
..of left-wing causes:
Isn’t it interesting that no matter what the current global crisis is, according to leftists, the solution is always the same: a benevolent world dictatorship of the enlightened elite, and mass transfer of wealth from rich nations to poor nations.
That’s what they want to do about global warming. It’s what they wanted to do about overpopulation. It’s what they wanted to do about endangered species.
I’m sure it’s just coincidence. But anyway, it will be a benevolent dictatorship, so that’s OK.