Expect withdrawal symptoms on a mass scale shortly. On the bright side, national productivity will probably explode shortly. I know mine will.
Category Archives: Social Commentary
Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah
Iowahawk is off to Camp Obama:
We are saving
This whole nation
With some squad car
We went marching
in Zucotti
And got applauded by the Nazi PartyThere’s a raping
Every day now
Some are straight and
Some are gay now
Latest outbreak
In the food tent over by the Ben & Jerry’s
As he says, with apologies to Allan Sherman.
Listen Up, Boomers
…the backlash has begun:
at the level of public policy and moral leadership, as a generation we have largely failed. The Boomer Progressive Establishment in particular has been a huge disappointment to itself and to the country. The political class slumbered as the entitlement and pension crisis grew to ominous dimensions. Boomer financial leadership was selfish and shortsighted, by and large. Boomer CEOs accelerated the trend toward unlimited greed among corporate elites, and Boomer members of corporate boards sit by and let it happen. Boomer academics created a profoundly dysfunctional system that systemically shovels resources upward from students and adjuncts to overpaid administrators and professors who by and large have not, to say the least, done an outstanding job of transmitting the cultural heritage of the past to future generations. Boomer Hollywood execs created an amoral morass of sludge — and maybe I’m missing something, but nobody spends a lot of time talking about the towering cultural accomplishments of the world historical art geniuses of the Boomer years. Boomer greens enthusiastically bet their movement on the truly idiotic drive for a global carbon treaty; they are now grieving over their failure to make any measurable progress after decades spent and hundreds of millions of dollars thrown away. On the Boomer watch the American family and the American middle class entered major crises; by the time the Boomers have finished with it the health system will be an unaffordable and dysfunctional tangle — perhaps the most complicated, expensive and poorly designed such system in the history of the world.
All of this was done by a generation that never lost its confidence that it was smarter, better educated and more idealistic than its Depression-surviving, World War-winning, segregation-ending, prosperity-building parents. We didn’t need their stinking faith, their stinking morals, or their pathetically conformist codes of moral behavior. We were better than that; after all, we grokked Jefferson Airplane, achieved nirvana on LSD and had a spiritual wealth and sensitivity that our boorish bourgeois forbears could not grasp. They might be doers, builders and achievers — but we Boomers grooved, man, we had sex in the park, we grew our hair long, and we listened to sexy musical lyrics about drugs that those pathetic old losers could not even understand.
I’m largely ashamed of my own generation.
The Big Coercive Business
…that is Scientology.
That Scientific Heretic
Is he a genius, or a loon?
They laughed at Einstein, but they also laughed at Bozo the Clown.
The Occupy Mob’s Penchant For Creating Collateral Damage
…isn’t winning it many friends. You don’t say.
How To Fix Any Computer
From The Oatmeal. You’re welcome.
The Children Of Rousseau
Return to a state of nature. And they’re not “noble” savages. It ain’t pretty. It’s more like Lord of the Flies.
[Monday morning update]
Everything the media accused the Tea Party of being, the Fleabaggers actually are, and yet they won’t report it.
[Update a few minutes later]
The double standard doesn’t just come from the media, but from the kleptocrats in power:
“Democratic commentator Bob Beckel recently compared the disparity between the Tea Party’s treatment by local governments and the Occupiers’ to one person getting a better deal on a car than another. Imagine an America where basic equalities and a God-given right to public self-expression are reduced to clearance-sale status, depending on the agenda and whims of the ‘bosses’ on duty at a given time.”
That example — government as used-car salesman — captures both the ethos and the performance of Beckel and his ilk. The truth is, these people get a pass because, as client groups of the Democratic Party, they’re exempt from the enforcement of the law. This may make people who aren’t so favored wonder why they should pay taxes to, or obey the commands of, a system that doesn’t follow the law itself. Well: Why should they? Where’s the legitimacy?
If they have any left, they’re rapidly losing it. Only the Constitution has legitimacy, and these creatures don’t give a damn about it.
Kim Kardashian’s Divorce
Why you should be concerned about it. Really.