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Category Archives: Social Commentary
More Scientists
Do we really need them? I don’t know, but if so, spending money on NASA isn’t the way to do it, at least not intrinsically.
Constrained Versus Unconstrained
The latest Firewall, from Bill Whittle.
Westboro Baptist Church
…has made Iowahawk gay. I hate when that happens.
The War On Women
…conservative women, that is.
Rush Limbaugh
…versus the mean girls.
[Early afternoon update]
I want to comment on the commotion over Rush Limbaugh’s use of the word “slut” to describe law student Sandra Fluke. Fluke, as you know, argued before a house congressional committee that women need taking care of. That is, if they should take it into their fluffy little heads to have sex with someone, they can’t be expected to manage the consequences all by their little selves. Someone else has got to pay for their contraception – preferably a big strong man like Barack Obama. Barack Obama has lots and lots of money. Chicks dig that. In fact, he’s so powerful, he just took the money from other people. What a turn on for girly girls like Sandra!
Anyway, Rush called her a slut, probably hoping that that sort of ungentlemanly behavior toward women would land him a show on HBO like that super cool Bill Maher, who called Governor Sarah Palin the c-word (whatever that is) and entertained guests who fantasized about raping Michele Bachmann. If only Rush could get a show like Bill Maher then he could be bitter and irrelevant too – probably the only things missing from Rush’s life.
So now the left is calling for Rush’s head and the right is arguing hotly that the left says equally misogynist things and even sometimes dumps their women into the water and then leaves them there locked in a car to drown while they go back to their hotel to chat with their friends and call their lawyer. And yet a leftist killer of women can go on to become the Lion of the Senate, and even a piece of work like James Carville who implied one of his boss’s sexual harassment victims was trailer trash gets a network gig. Hey, maybe Rush was trying to get a network gig like James Carville!
I’m sure that’s it.
I Am Andrew Breitbart
A long-suffering Hollywood writer risks the blacklist and comes out of the closet.
Islam And Free Speech In America
This is a very troubling case. I don’t think that the judge has thought through the logical consequences of his action. In fact, he unwittingly points out the danger without apparently recognizing it:
Judge Martin did not, of course, invoke sharia law as a basis for his ruling; nor did he suggest that Elbayomy would have been justified in assaulting Perce because his religion commanded it. But he did seem to suggest that insults to the Muslim faith are especially bad because of how impermissible blasphemy is in many Muslim countries and because of the role religion plays in Muslims’ lives. Indeed, he specifically drew a distinction between “how Americans practice Christianity” and how Muslims practice Islam: “Islam is not just a religion, it’s their culture … it’s their very essence, their very being.”
Of course, there are many different ways in which Americans practice Christianity and Muslims practice Islam. Some American Christians respond to perceived slights to their faith in ugly ways (such as threats of violence against productions of Terence McNally’s play, Corpus Christi, featuring a gay Jesus). But American religious practice, overall, is strongly tied to a hard-won tradition of freedom of religion—and irreligion. Judge Martin’s comments seem to suggest that Muslims are far less capable than Christians of dealing sensibly with insults or challenges to their faith. That does a serious disservice both to American democracy and to American Muslims.
Yes, as is often the case, the judge trivializes and minimizes the moral agency of American Muslims, implicitly excusing them for their un-American behavior, and thus enabling it. He missed an opportunity to educate the man who believed that he lived under Sharia law and was entitled to assault someone who offended him. Any judge should understand that one of the purposes of the First Amendment is to allow offensive speech, even against Muslims, because obviously, there would be no need to protect inoffensive speech.
James Q. Wilson’s Insight
…improved America. As opposed to the insight of (say) Barack Obama.
[UPdate a while later]
More (and lengthy) thoughts from Roger Kimball:
The Moral Sense is far from being anti-intellectual. But it is, in part, a cautionary tale about the dangers of taking intellectuals, especially academic intellectuals, too seriously. Given the presumption that education will broaden one’s perspective, it is curious that the chief danger is a narrowing of horizons. The peculiar combination of arrogance and despair that seems characteristic of homo academicus today breeds a remarkable obtuseness about many important questions. Wilson puts it thus: “Someone once remarked that the two great errors in moral philosophy are the belief that we know the truth and the belief that there is no truth to be known. Only people who have had the benefit of higher education seem inclined to fall into so false a choice.” It is a sobering thought that last year in the United States, some thirteen million students partook of that benefit.
Sobering indeed.
The Left’s War On Science
Yes, chicks dig jerks.