Can we do it any more?
Not when the leadership of one of the major parties sees US weakness in the world as a feature rather than a bug.
Can we do it any more?
Not when the leadership of one of the major parties sees US weakness in the world as a feature rather than a bug.
What our “self-esteem” movement and the public schools have wrought. It’s been over thirty years since that commission on education issued the report that said that if a foreign power had imposed this educational system on us, we would rightly consider it an act of war. It’s true today more than ever.
…judgmental jerks. I guess the science is settled.
Next up, vegans?
…are no match for capitalist pigs like Jonathan Hoenig. Heh.
Mere mockery is too good for them, but it’s too much fun.
And I’m not just referring to these people:
I’m also referring to the barbarians in public office there (and DC, and New York) who defy Constitution and the Supreme Court, and the age-old right of the law-abiding to arm and defend themselves, because they willfully enable the barbarism.
“…and sickles.”
Tyler Durden has found its face. Frighteningly, a lot of “environmentalists” agree with him, but they’re not quite as up front about it.
[Update a while later]
The environmentalists’ war on the poor.
The race of the gang members themselves isn’t an issue, but their religion and associated cultural attitudes, and the racism that these foster, are. The fact that in this case, as in previous ones, the perpetrators were Muslims, and from parts of the world where extremist forms of that religion hold sway — eight of the Rochdale gang were of Pakistan origin and the ninth was an Afghan — has absolutely everything to do with the case, and it’s just one uncomfortable aspect that liberals don’t want to confront.
Another is the fact that politically correct attitudes to all things “racial” among the relevant authorities meant the victims’ ordeals went on for years longer than might have been the case. Many of the victims were from broken homes and under the supervision of social workers, but when they reported abuse to their carers, the police and prosecutors failed to act because, it’s claimed, they were “petrified of being called racist.”
There are also broader social issues arising from the case, and others like it, that liberals would prefer not to discuss; in particular how decades of liberal social polices on everything from immigration to welfare have helped to create the environments in which these crimes can be committed.
It’s a tragedy to watch a culture commit slow suicide.
It doesn’t extinguish prejudice — it promotes it.