Category Archives: Social Commentary

I Don’t Love Lucy

I’ve discussed this before, but I’m glad to see that Lileks agrees with me:

I’m not a big fan of the TV shows – the wailing, the stupidity, the ‘splaining to do. Whenever she’s in a movie she’s much more enjoyable.

That could be, but I’ve never watched a movie with her in it and am not motivated to do so, given my antipathy to the TV shows.


Ah, we agreed on the subject a year and a half ago, too. Sometimes I feel like I’m running out of new things to say.

Food Nannyism

Thoughts from Lileks on the new Puritans:

Let’s get one thing clear: when the TV talk-show people lavish praise on the idea, it has nothing to do with some abstract notion of the costs of obesity. They just don’t like fat people. Fat people, at best, are a rebuke their own finicky vanity – I look good, why can’t you? – and at the worst, aesthetically unpleasant. If they all went away, the trim pert types woudl miss them after a while, and realize that people no longer came pre-packaged in a style that made them easy to dismiss.

A thin woman with three children by three men who can’t get by is an object of concern. A fat women with two kids who can’t get by is a toad, and probably a smoker.

A culture that redefines food choices as moral issues will demonize the people who don’t share the tastes of the priest class. A culture that elevates eating to some holistic act of ethical self-definition – localvore, low-carbon-impact food, fair trade, artisanal cheese – will find the casual carefree choices of the less-enlightened as an affront to their belief system. Leave it to Americans to invent a Puritan strain of Epicurianism.

I do have to agree that sugar is bad for you. But people have a right to eat things that are bad for them. Until the rest of us are forced to pay for their health care, of course…