…is getting crushed.
Can’t happen too soon.
And is France heading for a civil war?
Thoughts from VDH on the vile deceit of the Democrats.
Sad thoughts, from Eugene Volokh.
Both Trump and Biden are symptoms of a deeply dysfunctional political system, including the media and the educational establishment.
Yes, the veneer of civilization is thin, and the degrowthers are clueless about it.
I would note, though, that one can believe that manmade climate change is real, and still recognize that all of the plans to try to prevent it are economically insane, and disastrous for civilization.
…now has PhD-level intelligence, and the poor life decisions to go along with it.
A long but interesting essay.
David Sacks is predicting one. I’m sure that there have been a lot of stealth Republicans there for a long time (as there are in LA), but once the dam breaks, they can come out in public.
Well, at least they’re admitting that there is a difference between men and women.
A recent House Judiciary Committee report alleges that, by cooperating with the Department of Homeland Security, the SIO’s Election Integrity Partnership “provided a way for the federal government to launder its censorship activities in hopes of bypassing both the First Amendment and public scrutiny.”
Of course it did.
Teachers unions (and public-employee unions in general) should be abolished.