Category Archives: Social Commentary

“A Good Man”

The BS about Biden is thoroughly deconstructed.

[Wednesday-morning update]

Now they take on the BS about Biden’s “accomplishments.”

He’s been a disaster.


[Thursday-morning update]

John Podhoretz makes the case for schadenfreude. It’s pretty compelling. This couldn’t happen to a more awful political party, at least in this country.

[Bumped again]

[Update a few minutes later]

This is hilarious. As Gutfeld said yesterday, it’s like the Biden family is holding the Democrats hostage, and the media is negotiating. “He wants an In’n’Out! He wants to talk to his daughter. He’ll only talk to Clooney.”

[Noon update]

Dems facing the abyss within the abyss.


Yet another study on its supposed benefits.

They lose me right off the bat when they compare it to the “benefits” of the Mediterranean diet. I don’t think there is any value at all in restricting red meat and fat intake.

Anyway, I suspect that even if the correlation is causation, it’s not clear that it will work for everyone. If coffee has no discernible effect on me (which it doesn’t) other than making me brush my teeth more to get rid of the foul aftertaste, then it seems unlikely that I will derive any health benefits from choking the swill down.


On this particular 4th of July, I feel like we are at a potential pivot point. In two years, the Republic will be 250 years of age. The Romans lasted about twice that long before the transition to empire, and then its fall a few centuries later, but from here, we can see a potential end to our own before that milestone, on the current trajectory. Certainly, the election in November will be crucial.

What is ironic is that both sides see it as potentially catastrophic for their vision of the nation’s future. The Democrats, who have always hated the Republic, fear (or claim to fear) the loss of “our democracy” (something that, fortunately, we have never had). Republicans, whose party is named after it, fear the continued chipping away at it which started a century ago in the “Progressive” era, in which the Senate started to be popularly elected by the people of the states, rather than appointed by the states themselves. This began the erosion of the fundamental idea that the president was elected by the states rather than the populace, which was supposed to be represented in the House (the most powerful part of the government).

Eroding as well is the notion of separation of powers (something that both sides are guilty of, but the Democrats far more egregiously). Fortunately, the Supreme Court made a major, almost earthquakey decision last week by ending the so-called “Chevron” deference of the judiciary to what had become an unconstitutional fourth branch of government in the bureaucracy of the executive, accountable to no one. But first Barack Obama, then Joe Biden (who has effectively been Obama’s third term) repeatedly showed their contempt for this founding principle with their “pen and their phone” arrogating unto themselves the legislative powers given by the Constitution only to Congress, with their de facto legalization of the “dreamers” and the “forgiveness” of student loans, transferring wealth from hardworking Americans to those mostly well off. Biden even continues to defiantly take pride in this lawlessness while decrying the “crimes” of his predecessor and perhaps successor.

He has now fully weaponized his department of “justice” against his political opponent, a practice that began under Obama, during which his IRS targeted perceived domestic enemies. His unlawfully appointed special counsel, Jack Smith, now claims his intent to pursue Donald Trump for crimes (which Biden committed more egregiously but ironically will not be prosecuted for because the prosecutor judged him too mentally impaired to stand trial) right up until the inauguration, standing on its head previous department procedure to not engage in prosecutions prior to, let alone after an election.

The Democrats claim to fear (insanely, if they really believe it) that if Trump is elected, he will declare himself dictator for life and that it will be the last election. Republicans and other non-Democrats (like me) legitimately fear that if given four more years of power, they will complete the dismantlement of what remains of the Republic, packing the courts, including the supreme one, and the Senate with new states, and new election laws guaranteed to continue and expand the rigging and fraud that put them into power three and a half years ago.

I do believe that, almost a quarter of a millennium after the founding, the Republic is at a precipice, and that this election is not just the most consequential of my lifetime, but since that of 1860. There is talk again of civil war and, while I’m sure that the Democrats will lose again as they did then, it will once again tear the nation asunder, and is to be greatly feared, and if possible avoided. Vote this November as though your life, and that of the Republic itself, depended on it, because it very well may.

[Update a while later]

Stop calling it “the July 4th holiday.”

[Afternoon update]

First come rights, then comes a government to secure those rights.