If it’s fair game for the election, so is Kamala’s.
The Democrat hypocrisy on this, going back to the Clinton era, is boundless.
If it’s fair game for the election, so is Kamala’s.
The Democrat hypocrisy on this, going back to the Clinton era, is boundless.
…that don’t bode well for her presidency.
She has also never served, but she’s not unique in that regard for recent presidents.
Medicine is much less scientific than they would have you believe.
It looks like Polaris Dawn is finally about to launch.
Everyone has noted that this will be the highest-altitude flight since Apollo, but all of the Apollo astronauts were men. Menon and Gillis will hold the altitude record for women after this, until a woman goes to the moon (which may or not be on Artemis, given the ongoing boondoggle).
Lord help us, the new cost estimate of NASA’s Mobile Launcher-2 project is now a mind-boggling $2.7 billion.https://t.co/KE7WZEtcQ5
— Eric Berger (@SciGuySpace) August 27, 2024
[Update a while later]
Bob Zimmerman has thoughts on the latest SLS fiasco.
[Wednesday-afternoon update]
I weep when I consider what *actual useful* space hardware we could have for $2.7B. https://t.co/USS3NwXBFx
— Rand Simberg (@Simberg_Space) August 27, 2024
They lack a sense of irony:
The acrid scent of panic might have been expected among the limp-wristed, totalitarian faithful. And, in fact, beneath the amusing cologne of anti-Trump bluster, the panic was indeed discernible.
But there was also that trademark smooth-as-a-suppository (as Saul Bellow put it) suaveness, exemplified, for instance, by former Obama strategist David Axelrod.
“Robert F. Kennedy Sr.,” Axelrod posted shortly after the deed was done, “would have been appalled to see his son cut a deal to drop out for [t]he race and endorse Trump.”
Imagine: someone agrees to drop out of a race at the last minute and support a rival candidate! As the commentator Ned Ryan put it in response to Axelrod’s snippy post: “You suddenly seem offended by someone cutting a deal to drop out of the race and endorse someone else.”
The disconnect remains.
I would dispute the phrase “college educated” to describe the people who attended college and who support the Democrats. I’d call them, rather, indoctrinated and credentialed.
It does seem to be a healthy beverage. It’s too bad that it tastes so awful.
“Research has found that people who drink four or more cups a day are 53 percent less likely to commit suicide.”
If I had to drink four or more cups a day, I’d be much more likely to contemplate suicide (which is something that I never do).
What student protesters had to defend their positions with logic?
Yes, they should be shamed. And Che teeshirts and posters should be greeted with as much opprobrium as Hitler teeshirts and posters.
…is dead.
As noted in comments, it’s quite an achievement to fail to draw the 19-35 male demographic with lesbian space witches.
[Thursday-morning update]
No more Acolyte for you, rebel scum!
“Even a corrupt media couldn’t save it.”