Film star blondes such as Marilyn Monroe, Brigitte Bardot, Sharon Stone and Scarlett Johansson are held up as ideals of feminine allure. However, the future of the blonde is uncertain.
A study by the World Health Organisation found that natural blonds are likely to be extinct within 200 years because there are too few people carrying the blond gene. According to the WHO study, the last natural blond is likely to be born in Finland during 2202.
Am I the only person who said “Huh?” upon reading this? I’d be interested to see the actual study, because it sure doesn’t make much sense to me as reported.
Carl Zimmer reviews what looks to be an interesting and important new documentary about the science/philosophy war in the biology classrooms, and has some guest thoughts from the director, who has some thoughts about science education
Carl Zimmer reviews what looks to be an interesting and important new documentary about the science/philosophy war in the biology classrooms, and has some guest thoughts from the director, who has some thoughts about science education
Carl Zimmer reviews what looks to be an interesting and important new documentary about the science/philosophy war in the biology classrooms, and has some guest thoughts from the director, who has some thoughts about science education
James McCormick has a fascinating book review over at Albion’s Seedlings, on how westerners think differently, because of our use of math and the scientific method. Sadly, it’s a trait that we may be losing as a society, because we value it too little.
Eugene Volokh has an interesting (and frightening) series of posts on the innumeracy of both the general population and the press. There are anecdotes that I’d like to think that aren’t true, but fear that they are, about science students unable to do simple arithmetic. We’ve become much too dependent on “computing machines.”