Category Archives: Science And Society

A “Fasting-Style” Diet

Seems to have previously unknown benefits to the brain.

The problem with this article is that (a) they don’t really describe what the “fasting-style diet” is, in terms of how long the fast, or what days they do it, and (b), as with most nutrition studies, it’s probably based on self reporting, and it’s not clear that there are any controls.

I do suspect, though, that we didn’t evolved to three squares a day, which would have been hard as hunter gatherers, which is one of the ways that agriculture screwed up our health, though it allowed the existence of orders of magnitude more unhealthy people.

I personally fast almost every day until evening. Dinner (or supper, depending on your local vernacular) is my literal breakfast, though I don’t have bacon and eggs then.

The Corruption Of Climate Science

“…it occurred because some of our most important institutions have let us down. The scientific peer review process has failed to catch obvious methodological errors in research papers. Leading scientific assessments have ignored conflicts of interest and adopted flawed methods. The major media has been selectively incurious as to the impact of big money in climate advocacy on climate science, assessments, and policy.”