Anglo-Saxons (and other indigenous British peoples) deserve reparations.
Anglo-Saxons (and other indigenous British peoples) deserve reparations.
A Signature Bernie Sanders shoe to help you survive socialism.
…admits that putting an automatic self-destruct system in the 737 MAX was a mistake.
Yes, it’s The Onion, but is it really?
This is cruel (to the media as much or more than to her), but hilarious.
…risks life and limb to sell his dangerous book.
Thoughts from Ann Althouse on the “threat” to send the wonderful immigrants to sanctuary cities.
Per one of the comments, one of the many reasons they’re squealing like the stuck pigs that they are is that sending the newcomers to blue cities and states defeats the purpose of importing large numbers of new Democrat voters. Obama always flooded the red states with them.
And yes, they are being NIMBY about this (as with much else).
And yes, this is still appropriate, half a century later.
[Update a while later]
Tucker Carlson: Trump calls the Democrats’ bluff on illegal immigration.
He really has put them in a box.
[Update a few minutes later]
Democrats are furious that Trump has exposed them for the virtue-signaling hypocrites that they are.
The man behind the hyperwoke Twitter account comes out. I’d always assumed it was the same person that ran Godfrey Elfwick, but apparently not.
Treacher has a round up of all the misogyny in the reviews. Because obviously, if you think the flick is a stinker, you hate women.
[Noon update]
What you’ve all been waiting for: The vital review from The Babylon Bee.
[Friday update]
OK, here’s Sonny Bunch’s. The movie sounds like a real stinker.
Roger Kimball has a preview.