Some handy hints from Frank J.
Category Archives: Satire
Smart Diplomacy
Hey, at least he’s got the French on board. So he passes the Global Test.
Climate Change
…is causing climate models to fail.
Is there anything it can’t do?
No Rest For The Bringers Of It
In which Ace, and many others, including yours truly, righteously pile on @PiersMorgan on Twitter.
Amanda Marcotte’s Idiocy About Men And Babies
Hey, she deserves it, but really, this is just cruel.
Remy is at it again.
Paula Deen
This was sure to come — Hitler discovers that the Food Network has dropped her.
[Update a few minutes later]
OK, that will teach me to post without watching. It’s not actually that great.
Why The Government Hates Conservatives
Frank J. explains:
You have to remember that the bureaucrats in government are a fiercely tribal people who base all their beliefs on an extreme ideology of government power. How did we think they’d react when we threatened to tear down all they know over some concept they’ve never even heard of — math? Did we think they’d really welcome us as liberators when we tossed them all out into the private sector — a scary world that demands things they can’t even understand, like productivity? No, of course not. Instead they did what seems logical to them: Fight against the invaders threatening them while rallying behind their supreme religious figure, President Obama.
Clearly they had it coming.
NASA’s Latest Ambitious Plans
To send a man where many men (and women) have gone before:
The complex and dangerous three-day mission, dubbed “Chariot I,” is expected to pass through six states and include two brief transfers in Atlanta and Louisville in both directions, at a reported total cost of $360 dollars plus taxes and fees.
“For almost as long as our nation has existed, man has gazed upon a map of the eastern United States and dreamed of traveling to Cleveland, the largest metropolitan area in Ohio,” NASA administrator Charles F. Bolden, Jr. said at a press conference announcing the agency’s first major initiative since the discontinuation of the space shuttle program. “Until now, the immense physical and psychological risks involved in any manned mission had put that dream sadly out of reach.”
They’d never be able to do it that cheaply, unless they use Greyhound. As Clark Lindsey notes:
Of course, this mission cannot be carried out with a commercial bus but only with NASA’s $20B SBS (Senate Bus System). NASA has many studies to confirm this.
Though somehow, we never actually see their results.
Earth Week Carbonator Winner
Iowahawk has crowned the new champion:
I realize this choice is not without controversy, and that some Earth Day Cruisers may be grumbling about the contest being rigged. But before you send those “I wuz robbed” complaint emails, ask yourself this: did you fly a private 747 round trip to Chicago to deliver a 600 word, 20 minute speech touting….
[wait for it]
It was no contest, really. Our monster trucks never stood a chance.