We rented one a couple years ago, and I thought it was terrible. The low roof line and blind spots made me feel like I was in a tank. I wanted a periscope.
Category Archives: Popular Culture
Writing A Book
Four reasons why not to.
Orphans Of SpaceShipTwo
A new documentary in the works, from Ron Howard and Tom Hanks.
[Update a while later]
I should note, of course, the date.
Peak Trump?
He looks like he could get shut out in Wisconsin on Tuesday, and it’s getting harder to see a road to a majority of delegates for him. Meanwhile, Jonah asks if some are approaching their Colonel Nicholson moment:
For months, GOP pooh-bahs, cable personalities (including some friends and colleagues of mine at Fox News), talk-radio hosts, and politicians stood by and watched — or cheered — as Trump built his populist cult of personality almost unopposed. Now that Trump has a personal relationship, as it were, with his followers, he can do no wrong.
Trump famously joked that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose his support. That remains to be seen, but he can play rhetorical footsie with the KKK, reveal that he thinks judges “sign bills,” subscribe to vile “truther” explanations of 9/11 and the Iraq War, embrace the health-care mandate, traffic in reprehensible sectarian tribalism, and vow to weaken the First Amendment so he can exact vengeance on journalists who don’t kowtow to his Brobdingnagian ego — yet not shake loose his fans.
That “success” has bred more success, as politicians jump on board the train. New Jersey governor Chris Christie set a torch to his integrity by endorsing a man who stands against nearly everything Christie once claimed to believe. Christie has confirmed all the darker aspects of his reputation as a cynical, self-interested, spiteful bully.
Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/432160/donald-trump-supporters-reckoningMany decent and sincere Republicans, in and out of the Republican leadership, have been operating on the assumption that Trump will fade and that the gravest threat is a third-party run by the dean of Trump University. There was a time when that concern was defensible. But once it became clear that he was favored to win the nomination outright, Republicans should have realized that a third-party run was more like a best-case scenario.
Better the GOP do battle with a know-nothing bigot (and lose the presidency) than become the party of know-nothing bigots (and still lose the presidency).
That’s why I embrace the Twitter hashtag #NeverTrump, initiated by conservative talk-show host Erick Erickson. For too long, Trump has benefited from the assumption that the non-Trump faction of the party will be “reasonable” and support the nominee. Such thinking paves the road to power for demagogues.
[Update a while later]
I don’t see it, either. To me, the only issue is whether he can win, but as I’ve been saying for many months, people underestimate him at their peril.
[Update later morning]
Thinking and writing about Trump:
If in fact Trump doesn’t win, that’s okay with him too. I know that many people would disagree with that statement of mine, because Trump loves to win and hates to lose. I agree with them on that—he loves to win and hates to lose—but I think in this case it depends how you define “win” and “lose.” If Trump loses the nomination he can tell himself that he has won because so many of his supporters will cleave to him and it will probably mean that the eventual GOP nominee will lose. So, if he can’t get the nomination, he will have wrecked the hopes and prospects of those (the GOP) who have kept him from it, and revenge is very much a kind of victory, too. If on the other hand Trump gets the nomination and loses the election, something similar would be operating: Trump will have gotten revenge on the GOP, and he will have built an extremely loyal following and demonstrated his enormous power over the media and his followers. Of course, none of this takes into account the very real possibility that Trump is actually okay with a Clinton victory or even has had it as his intent the whole time (I don’t think the latter, because I think his ego wouldn’t allow it, but I do concede that it’s certainly possible).
If he was actively trying to destroy the Republican Party, and small-government conservatism, what would he be doing differently?
Trump’s Support
Ann Coulter’s crush the last time around was Chris Christie, and this cycle she’s been fawning over the Donald. But it looks like even she can’t defend him any more. I wonder how many other eyes will clear of scales? As Geraghty writes:
Donald Trump didn’t suddenly change in the past few days, weeks or months. He’s the same guy he always was, the same guy that most of us in the conservative movement and GOP have been staunchly opposing for the past year. He didn’t abruptly become reckless, obnoxious, ill-informed, erratic, hot-tempered, pathologically dishonest, narcissistic, crude and catastrophically unqualified for the presidency overnight. He’s always been that guy, and you denied it and ignored it and hand-waved it away and made excuses every step of the way because you were convinced that you were so much smarter than the rest of us. You were so certain that you had received some superior wavelength giving you special insight into the Donald; only you could tell that it was all an act. Only you could grasp that his constant courting of controversy was just to get attention from the media. Only you could instinctively sense that his style would play brilliantly in the general election and win over working-class Democrats. (SPOILER ALERT: It isn’t.) You insisted that you could “coach him.”
You came to those conclusions not because you’re smarter than the rest of us, but because you’re actually more foolish than the rest of us. You insisted Occam’s Razor couldn’t possibly be true– that Trump acts the way he does because this is who he is, this is the way he is all the time, and he will always be like this. You fooled yourself into believing that Trump was playing this nine-level chess that only you and a few others could perceive and understand. Only you could see the long game.
As he says, there is no long game. I really do think that he’s trying to figure out how to get out of this. Trump is like the dog who chases cars, but now he’s realizing he won’t know what to do if he catches one.
Jim is angry. So am I.
[Update a few minutes later]
Trump castigates Scott Walker for not raising taxes, and thinks that “health care and education” are among the top three government functions.
But yeah, let’s elect this “conservative.”
[Update a couple minutes later]
The culture that created Donald Trump was “liberal,” not conservative. (Scare quotes because it’s not really liberal, it’s leftist.)
[Update a while later]
A top Trump strategist quits and warns America about him.
I didn’t need the warning.
[Thursday-afternoon update]
Whenever Trump says something particularly stupid, it's cuz it's what he stupidly imagines a conservative believes. https://t.co/aK7P2z0wiW
— Apostle To Morons (@Rand_Simberg) March 31, 2016
The Republican Race In CA
The latest polling of likely voters shows a dead heat between Cruz and Trump.
It’s worth noting (as the article doesn’t) that CA is winner-take-all by Congressional District. So if that polling holds, Cruz would probably pick up about half the delegates. But we don’t know what the race will look like by the time CA has come around. Trump may have already taken enough delegates, or there may be a last-minute push on to prevent him.
Elizabethan English
I’d love to hear some Shakespeare in the original language. I think I’ve linked this before, but here’s an example.
I suspect that the “arrr” pronunciation of “r” after a vowel, is related to the pirate “arrr.” Many of them were from southwest England and Cornwall.
A Feminist Picnic
…falls apart when no one is willing to make samwiches.
Maybe they’ve just realized that people should go paleo.
OK, probably not.
Trump Was Created By The Likes Of David Brooks
They denigrated the Tea Party, and now they have to deal with raucus working-class Trumpsters. They deserve whatever they get.
David Brooks
A shorter @Instapundit: “Eff you“:
The Tea Party movement — which you also failed to understand, and thus mostly despised — was a bourgeois, well-mannered effort (remember how Tea Party protests left the Mall cleaner than before they arrived?) to fix America. It was treated with contempt, smeared as racist, and blocked by a bipartisan coalition of business-as-usual elites. So now you have Trump, who’s not so well-mannered, and his followers, who are not so well-mannered, and you don’t like it.
They brought this on themselves.
[Saturday update]