It’s still going to be very hard for that Democrat to win the Republican nomination.
[Update a few minutes later]
Don’t confuse primary success with general success:
Now, there’s no reason in principle why a candidate who wins “only” 12 or 13 million votes in the primaries (or even just five or six or seven million) could not win a general election. That depends entirely on the candidate and his campaign. But the point here is that even a terrific primary performance offers zero evidence that a candidate actually can win a general election. As all of the head-to-head polling illustrates, it isn’t even a sign that that said candidate would perform better in a general election than other candidates who got fewer votes in the primaries.
This is especially true in Trump’s case. His hard-core supporters fail to comprehend just how deeply unpopular he is with everybody else outside their relatively small group. According to the last eight polls taken on the question, Trump has an unfavorable rating of between 60 and 70 percent among the general population that will vote in the 2016 election. He is not that much more popular than the ebola virus. (Although no virus has ever tried to run for president, so we cannot be sure.)
Trump supporters seem to be quite delusional about this. There is no one who doesn’t have an opinion about him at this point — he has no up side. When someone as well known as him can’t beat someone as unpopular as Hillary Clinton, it would be insane to make him the nominee (particularly when it would be one Democrat versus another).
[Afternoon update]
Classless Crybaby Wants To Be America’s Complainer-in-Chief.
Rick Wilson is a cruel man, but fair.
[Thursday-morning update]
GOP delegates: Trump’s attacks may backfire on him.
You don’t say.
[Update a while later]
D. C. McAllister agrees with me; Trump and his supporters don’t understand our system of government.