Category Archives: Popular Culture

Candace Owens

Now I understand why Obama thought that Kanye West was “a jackass.” It’s because he doesn’t march in lockstep with the Left and the grievance industry.

[Monday-morning update]

On the other hand, Cathy Young isn’t impressed with Candace (to say the least).

SJW SF Follies

I’m back in the states, (back to Florida for a couple days, then back to CA on Friday), and I woke up to this story from Sarah Hoyt over the latest mau mauing of the left against a sane SF writer.

I grew up reading SF in the sixties; I don’t know what happened to it. The Left apparently has to corrupt and rot everything it touches.

Writing Science Fiction

A guideline to how to woke-ify it, from Frank Fleming (who has a new book out), over at Sarah Hoyt’s place.

[Update a few minutes later]

Yes, this is a problem I’ve always had, too:

This one is going to be harder for some than others. Sarah Hoyt has been pretty good about this, while I have always struggled. But if at all possible, when you sit down to write, don’t be a straight white male. It’s not that there’s anything wrong with being a straight white male — you were born that way, no fault of your own — it’s just that everyone hates you. So stop it.

I don’t think I’m even going to work on that one.

[Update a couple minutes later]

Sarah has some blurbs about the book.

The Warning From Elon At SXSW

The first Mars visitors will probably die. Of course, we’re all going to die somewhere.

As I note in the book, it’s very unlikely that the Shackleton ad was real. If it had been published in a London broadsheet, it would have been spelled “honour.”

[Update a couple minutes later]

And per usual, a lot of ignorance and stupidity in comments over there.


Sarah Rumpf had a little tweetstorm the other day, and I largely agree with her. I continue to be happy she lost, and happy with many of the policy outcomes, but that doesn’t mean that I have to abandon my principles just because the clown in the White House apparently has none.

[Update a few minutes later]

Hillary Clinton, the woman in the high castle.