I’m back in the states, (back to Florida for a couple days, then back to CA on Friday), and I woke up to this story from Sarah Hoyt over the latest mau mauing of the left against a sane SF writer.
I grew up reading SF in the sixties; I don’t know what happened to it. The Left apparently has to corrupt and rot everything it touches.
This one is going to be harder for some than others. Sarah Hoyt has been pretty good about this, while I have always struggled. But if at all possible, when you sit down to write, don’t be a straight white male. It’s not that there’s anything wrong with being a straight white male — you were born that way, no fault of your own — it’s just that everyone hates you. So stop it.
The first Mars visitors will probably die. Of course, we’re all going to die somewhere.
As I note in the book, it’s very unlikely that the Shackleton ad was real. If it had been published in a London broadsheet, it would have been spelled “honour.”
[Update a couple minutes later]
And per usual, a lot of ignorance and stupidity in comments over there.
I’ve got review copies of Tim Fernholz’s and Chris Davenport’s books on the new space billionaires. Busily reading to review, while also preparing for another Florida trip, so light blogging.
Sarah Rumpf had a little tweetstorm the other day, and I largely agree with her. I continue to be happy she lost, and happy with many of the policy outcomes, but that doesn’t mean that I have to abandon my principles just because the clown in the White House apparently has none.