Category Archives: Popular Culture

Seventy-Seven Years

I just noticed the date; it is one that, in Roosevelt’s words, “will live in infamy.” Seventy-seven years ago we abruptly entered the second world war when the Japanese attacked our fleet at Pearl Harbor. The passing of George H. W. Bush a week ago is a reminder that that event, along with the war itself, is passing from living memory.

Brokaw called them “The Greatest Generation.” I don’t know about that, but mine has not covered itself in glory. However I remain simultaneously hopeful for and fearful of the future. We do, for now, live in the best of times in human history.

But if you’re pessimistic, I guess you can take the Trump approach. After all, as Marx* once said, “What has posterity ever done for me?”

* Not that Marx. This one.

How To Have Thanksgiving Dinner With An Angry Uncle

Some useful tips from Jim Treacher:

According to the robot programmed by a liberal, if you want to talk to somebody about hot-button issues over Thanksgiving dinner, the only acceptable responses are to agree with the liberal or to avoid openly disagreeing with the liberal. Anything else and you’re just an angry uncle.

But you don’t need some stupid bot to help you out, right? You’ve got a stupid blogger right here! Here are a few of my tips for getting through Thanksgiving dinner with people who disagree with you even though you’re absolutely sure you’re right.

But the most important advice remains Sonny Bunch’s.

[Late-afternoon update]

The joy of Thanksgiving, when you get to tell your whole family that they’re fascists.

Reefer Madness

Just shaking my damn head.

[Update a while later]

The story is behind a paywall, but here’s Tim Fernholz’s take.

[Wednesday-morning update]

[Update a while later]

Eric Berger’s story on this hypocritical insanity.