One of the mysteries of the war may be about to be solved. It still wouldn’t explain what caused it to go down, though.
Category Archives: Popular Culture
Space Force
The television show.
Despite Steve Carrell, I don’t have high hopes.
Steak Blogging
Stephen Green has a rub recipe. I have to confess, I don’t put anything on it before grilling except bacon grease. Maybe I’ll try this.
The Brady Bunch
I’ve never seen an episode of the show, but this theory is disturbingly plausible, and impossible to either falsify or verify.
The Wall
If the Democrats want to lose the fight, all they have to do is keep talking. The utter irrationality of their “arguments” has been breathtaking.
[Update a while later]
Shutdown stalemate as Republicans go factual, and Democrats go illogical.
[Update a few minutes later]
The week in pictures, government-shutdown edition.
[Update a few more minutes later]
The stupidest argument of the week.
It’s stiff competition.
Captain Marvel
Which one is better?
Not having read a comic since I was an adolescent, I’m insufficiently nerdy to have an opinion, but Treacher takes on the crucial issue.
No, conservatives are not angry because she danced on a rooftop.
I had a stupid Twitter exchange with one of these idiots yesterday.
Narrator: One idiot, not "The Right," called her a nitwit for that. She has, however, demonstrated in many other ways, unrelated to exuberant dancing, that she is a nitwit.
— Rand Simberg (@Rand_Simberg) January 4, 2019
Who are "they"?
— Rand Simberg (@Rand_Simberg) January 4, 2019
It's a special kind of stupid to extrapolate to an entire party the behavior of a single individual.
— Rand Simberg (@Rand_Simberg) January 4, 2019
Sorry, man. That’s the mentality of the gop. You can deny it all you want. It’s truth.
— …?? (@vowelmovement) January 4, 2019
Ashe Schow writes that now it’s become the latest thing to be problematic.
The Trump Presidency
“How it made me a better American.”
I will continue to praise Trump when he does something good, and criticize him when he behaves stupidly and boorishly.
[Update a few minutes later]
Per Karol’s comments about her disappointment with herself over not being more concerned about Obama’s depredations on the law and decency, a few months ago I started to put together a list of similarities between Obama and Trump, and there are more of them than either of their supporters want to admit:
- Reverse Midas Touch
- Cult
- Inarticulate Foot-in-Mouth Off Prompter
- Indifference/Hostility To Constitution
- Charismatic To Selective Audience
- Reckless Disregard For The Truth
- Travel Expenses
- Dunning Kruger
- Despised by members of his own party
Feel free to add in comments.
[Late-evening update]
I want to thank all those in comments who proved my point about the blind supporters of Trump being unwilling to recognize the similarities with Obama. I hope some Obama supporters will weigh in as well, to reinforce it.
The American Mediocracy
…is exhausted. As I’ve often noted, both Trump and Brexit were revolts against an unimpressive “elite” who thought themselves our moral and intellectual superiors, with no basis.
But like the Bourbons, the continue to know nothing, and forget nothing.