The ghost of Hunter Thompson looms over it.
Category Archives: Popular Culture
Ruining America
Boomers are to blame.
Not me, personally, but yes, my generation has been awful, compared to our parents’ generation.
Toy Story 4
A review. It’s apparently a meditation on consciousness and sentience.
[Wednesday-morning update]
Kyle Smith isn’t impressed.
[Friday update at noon]
Peter Suderman disagrees, and thinks it’s one of the best franchises of all time.
[Update Sunday evening]
Wow, this movie is certainly getting mixed reviews.
Those “Impossible” Burgers
It may be a surprise to some, but not to me, that they are neither healthier for the eater or for the environment.
I’d like to eat actual lab-grown meat, but it has to be cost effective, and nutritionally equivalent to the stuff on the hoof (or claw).
[Update a couple minutes later]
In reading, as is often the case, part of the health claim derives from the false notion that eating “red meat,” and particularly saturated fat, is unhealthy. There is zero scientific evidence for either. So they’re basically proposing to replace something humans have been eating since the dawn of humanity with some lab-produced glop about which we are completely ignorant of its nutritional effects.
America’s first Third World state.
[Thursday-afternoon update]
Why are there so many homeless in LA?
Roger actually did live in LA. In the South Bay where we live, it’s a problem, but nothing like downtown or Hollywood.
Stale Hollywood
Ten movie ideas for screenwriters.
A biopic of Norman Borlaug could be good, too.
Gun Advice
…from the worst column ever.
It would be interesting to see these morons respond to Charlie.
Moon Books
There are a bunch of new ones out as part of the fiftieth anniversary. Here’s a list (including some old classics as well).
Galaxy’s Edge
I’m not sure I’m sufficiently into Star Wars to want to engage in audience participation.
Can now generate talking video of people from a single image.
We’re rapidly approaching the time, if we’re not already there, when we can’t trust video.