I’m a rum drinker (I acquired the habit in Puerto Rico), but not a rum snob. I can’t imagine paying this much for a bottle.
Category Archives: Popular Culture
Twin XL Beds
An interesting history of bed sizes, including in dorm rooms.
I had dinner with Eileen Collins a couple months ago, and we were discussing the virtues of community college. In addition to all the other benefits of better education and lower cost, this article reminds me of another one: It eliminates the need to live in a dorm as a freshman. I was in Ann Arbor for three years, but I never lived in one.
Jeffrey Epstein
Mickey Kaus on why it still matters. Yes, he is a symptom of the deep corruption of business, national, and world leadership.
Jessi Combs
This is sad, but she died doing what she loved.
[Update in the afternoon]
Here’s another story, but it says she was 39, not 36. Not that it matters.
Dave Brubeck’s “Time Out”
How it changed jazz.
Yes, a classic album. My sister went to music school in Ann Arbor with his son, Chris.
[Afternoon update]
I had not realized that Joe Morello started out as a violinist. How often does someone go from violin to drums?
[Monday-morning update]
The top 100 jazz albums you should own. With a meditation on the art.
The Democrats’ Nominee
Will it be Grandpa Simpson?
It seems to me that the Democrats are screwed this cycle, which is ironic, considering who they’re trying to defeat.
All The people Who Think They Are Better Than You
…are much, much worse.
Yes, I’ve noticed that. I’m no saint, but I’m a lot better than most of those people.
Nuclear Power
What Hollywood scripts would look like if the scriptwriters understood it.
Now do space.
Snopes And The Babylon Bee
The war has gotten brutal.
I love it.
[Update Monday evening]
Under mounting pressure from Snopes, the Babylon Bee is forced to admit that its reporters are not real journalists.
This story is too much fun. But probably not for Snopes.
Will they bring about the end of civilization?