…is being finished by AI.
It will be very interesting to hear what it comes up with.
…is being finished by AI.
It will be very interesting to hear what it comes up with.
I was alive then, a few months after Apollo 11, but I’d never heard the full story of what had happened there; I only knew that there was another music festival, like Woodstock.
This is sad.
Another TDS victim. I used to think she was smart.
…on why he doesn’t talk about politics: “Actors are pretty stupid.”
Mark Ruffalo would seem to be a poster child for that proposition.
At the Space Settlement Summit a few weeks ago, I pointed out that there are some people who will oppose space settlement not because of the cost, but because they think that humanity is an infestation that must not be allowed to spread beyond the planet of its birth. Here’s a good example (for anyone who was a fan of Momoa before).
I give you Pachelbel’s Canon played with train horns.
Both parties support it, for different reasons.
She should certainly be punished, and made an example of, but this to me would cry out for jury nullification. There is way too much prosecutorial overreach, particularly with feds.
It’s no longer a movie set in the future.
When I was a kid, I thought we’d be a lot further along, technologically, by now. Though maybe we’re getting close to flying cars. And while the world of 2001: A Space Odyssey is decades late, it looks like it’s finally approaching as well.
Why is it acceptable, when black face is not?
Most of all, why is it acceptable to show to middle schoolers?