A first-hand report from Bob Zubrin in Boca Chica.
Category Archives: Popular Culture
Star Trek Transporters
Not a new topic, but a new take on it. You wouldn’t get me on one of those things.
Shockingly, grown men won’t dress like toddlers.
The Socialist Temptation
Last time I was in DC, a couple weeks ago, I tried to have lunch with Iain Murray, but it turned out that he wasn’t downtown, but was at home writing a forthcoming book.
It seems a little spendy, though, if you want to get young people to read it (which should be the goal). Maybe they’ll also have an ebook.
[Update a while later]
If you click here, you’ll tell the publisher that you’d like to see a Kindle edition.
Satellite Internet And Astronomy
A good overview of the problem, from Marina Koren.
Rush Limbaugh
Best wishes in his fight with this. I wonder if those years of smoking finally caught up with him, even though he quit?
[Update Tuesday morning]
Sort of related: Scientists accidentally discover a form of immune cells that can kill most cancers. Faster, please.
[Tuesday-morning update]
Thoughts from Bob Zimmerman.
[Wednesday-morning update]
Kurt Schlichter: What Rush Limbaugh means to us, and me.
A Purpose-Driven Space Program
Bob Zubrin’s take on the stagnation in NASA human spaceflight.
As I’ve often said, if we don’t know why we’re doing something, it’s not possible to come up with a sensible way to do it.
The Coastal States
…are in the fight of their lives.
I hope, at some point soon, there will be a backlash in California. I don’t want to have to leave to be free.
BTW, I was in DC all week, but back now.
…is still blaming the rest of us for her failings.
When she tells us that nobody likes Bernie, she is projecting.