Category Archives: Popular Culture

Rush Limbaugh

Best wishes in his fight with this. I wonder if those years of smoking finally caught up with him, even though he quit?

[Update Tuesday morning]

Sort of related: Scientists accidentally discover a form of immune cells that can kill most cancers. Faster, please.

[Tuesday-morning update]

Thoughts from Bob Zimmerman.

[Wednesday-morning update]

Kurt Schlichter: What Rush Limbaugh means to us, and me.

Kobe Bryant

I’m not a basketball fan, so while it’s a very sad for his family, I’m having trouble getting worked up about it. But judging by what I was hearing on talk radio while running errands, LA is gutted.

Sounds like it was controlled flight into terrain in IFR conditions. It’s been a cloudy/foggy day. That area has a lot of steep hillsides that can come up at you quickly if visibility is bad. Apparently he’d been using choppers for commuting for years, and it finally caught up with him.

[Update a while later]

Here‘s the latest from PJMedia.

Guy in Home Depot told me he’d heard that all of his daughters were aboard, but fortunately, only one was. He left a wife and four others.