Category Archives: Popular Culture

The Socialist Temptation

Last time I was in DC, a couple weeks ago, I tried to have lunch with Iain Murray, but it turned out that he wasn’t downtown, but was at home writing a forthcoming book.

It seems a little spendy, though, if you want to get young people to read it (which should be the goal). Maybe they’ll also have an ebook.

[Update a while later]

If you click here, you’ll tell the publisher that you’d like to see a Kindle edition.

Rush Limbaugh

Best wishes in his fight with this. I wonder if those years of smoking finally caught up with him, even though he quit?

[Update Tuesday morning]

Sort of related: Scientists accidentally discover a form of immune cells that can kill most cancers. Faster, please.

[Tuesday-morning update]

Thoughts from Bob Zimmerman.

[Wednesday-morning update]

Kurt Schlichter: What Rush Limbaugh means to us, and me.