My deepest condolences to Terry on his devastating loss.
Category Archives: Popular Culture
Big Pimping
We really are living in the Crazy Years. Children are no longer allowed any period of innocence.
Hollywood’s “Trump Is Hitler” “Argument”
It’s even more pathetic now. We joke about TDS, but they really are deranged.
Bodice Rippers For Andy
This is sort of amazing. And it’s not April Fool’s stuff; these women are probably fools year around.
[Update a few minutes later]
Cuomo is no hero, but moron De Blasio prepared for the wrong emergency (which was in fact in no way an emergency).
The First CoronaVirus Movie
…is already here, and you’ll never guess what it’s called.
Woke Stupidity
…is spreading as fast as the virus.
[Update a couple minutes later]
The danger of the Orange Man Bad disease. And an epidemic of media partisanship.
Space-Age Gas Stations
Isolation thoughts from Lileks.
[Update a while later]
We went for a drive on Saturday into Manhattan Beach, where the beach (like all LA County beaches) was closed. It was a ghost town, with just a few people walking around, and we could have parked almost anywhere. The most surreal thing was to see The Kettle closed. That restaurant has been 24/7 for decades. They’re not even doing takeout, just shuttered.
I haven’t been watching the series because a) I wasn’t a subscriber, b) I’m not that big a Trek fan and, c) Picard was the worst of all of the Enterprise captains (and don’t pollute my comments section with your garbage opinions to the contrary). But Ed Driscoll has been watching it so you don’t have to, even though they’ve made it available to non-subscribers for isolation.
The Virus
…has exposed Americans’ disconnect from reality.
[Update a while later]
Nancy Pelosi and the politics pandemic.
[Update a while later]
Goodbye, Green New Deal.
Set aside, for the moment, any reservations you might have about the coronavirus-emergency regime, and set aside your views on climate change, too, whatever they may be. Instead, ask yourself this: If Americans are this resistant to paying a large economic price to enable measures meant to prevent a public-health catastrophe in the here and now — one that threatens the lives of people they know and love — then how much less likely are they to bear not weeks or months but decades of disruption and economic dislocation and a permanently diminished standard of living in order to prevent possibly severe consequences to people in Bangladesh or Indonesia 80 or 100 years from now?
Not a prayer.
[Update later morning]
Yes, the president is not wrong: Pelosi is a sick puppy.
Saving America
Pornhub Premium is going temporarily free to encourage you to stay home.
It’s good marketing; it may get people to sign up after this is over. Wonder what it will do to their server/bandwidth costs, though?