Category Archives: Popular Culture

Not This Joe Biden

No, here‘s the Joe Biden who probably sexually assaulted Tara Reade.

And why should we be surprised? He’s always been a vicious, arrogant, misogynist creep, not “good old Uncle Joe.”

I hope he’s still the nominee, though. The doddering old fool will be mincemeat in a debate. But ask me what I really think.

[Update a couple minutes later]

Alyssa Milano wants you to believe Tara Reade, maybe.

[Update a few minutes later]

On the Democrats’ “sudden onset of respect for due process.”

Nothing “sudden” about it. All that matters is the political party of the accused.

[Update a few more minutes later]

Press spins themselves into oblivion over rapey Joe Biden.

The Economic Wreckage

Bob Zimmerman catalogs it.

Some things will recover quickly, but we won’t have a robust recovery until people have sufficient confidence that they can go back to sporting events or movie theaters or restaurants at normal capacity, which will probably require a vaccine (even if it’s a placebo). And now, despite all the money being pumped into the economy, the Fed has to worry seriously about deflation.