The comedy series. It sounds like it will be terrible, and based on ignorant premises.
Category Archives: Popular Culture
Coming Attractions
NASA dropped this video yesterday. It’s like a movie trailer.
Little Richard
I was never a big fan, but he clearly was a seminal figure in rock and roll. RIP, after a long life.
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Reflections from Dan McLaughlin.
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Sure, The Velociraptors Are Still On The Loose
…but that’s no reason to not reopen Jurassic Park.
Space Cinema
Tom Cruise is going to film a movie on the ISS.
The Masque Of Red Death
Thoughts from Lileks on web advertising, the history of miracle cures, and China.
Not This Joe Biden
No, here‘s the Joe Biden who probably sexually assaulted Tara Reade.
And why should we be surprised? He’s always been a vicious, arrogant, misogynist creep, not “good old Uncle Joe.”
I hope he’s still the nominee, though. The doddering old fool will be mincemeat in a debate. But ask me what I really think.
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Alyssa Milano wants you to believe Tara Reade, maybe.
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On the Democrats’ “sudden onset of respect for due process.”
Nothing “sudden” about it. All that matters is the political party of the accused.
[Update a few more minutes later]
Press spins themselves into oblivion over rapey Joe Biden.
Mining The Moon
A history. I don’t think that the 2015 law was a “blow” to the OST, though.
A DVD autopsy of one of the worst flicks ever made.
The Economic Wreckage
Bob Zimmerman catalogs it.
Some things will recover quickly, but we won’t have a robust recovery until people have sufficient confidence that they can go back to sporting events or movie theaters or restaurants at normal capacity, which will probably require a vaccine (even if it’s a placebo). And now, despite all the money being pumped into the economy, the Fed has to worry seriously about deflation.