I think that even I would get pretty bored after only a thousand or so.
Category Archives: Popular Culture
The Restaurant Industry
The pandemic (and often stupid response to it) is on the verge of destroying it.
I have to confess that I wouldn’t miss it all that much, except when I travel. I can prepare my own food much healthier, and much lower cost. The fact that so many young people thought they could afford to pay other people to cook for them is one of the reasons that generation is having a tough time financially.
Baby, please come back.
This virus has been like a wildfire, sweeping through education, academia, and blue cities. It took technological and social trends that were already happening, and rapidly accelerated them, and now they’re smoldering ashes. I don’t think any of them will ever be the same again. And that’s not a bad thing.
Pushback Against THe Democrats’ Overreach
Has it begun?
The Truth Of Racism
Yes, there are always going to be people (often crazy people) who think you are a racist. That doesn’t mean you are one.
[Noon update on Friday]
The racialist American media is preparing us for a new civil war.
The Preservation Of The Republic
Democrats always start a civil war when someone threatens to take away their slaves.
The Orcs
…march against Minas Tirith in a mostly peaceful protest.
Olivia De Havilland
Classical Music
The woke mob is coming after it. Lileks fisks it.
Cancel Culture
Thoughts on the Harpers letter, from Cathy Young.