…will leave scars.
I hope nothing like the ones that Mao’s did.
…will leave scars.
I hope nothing like the ones that Mao’s did.
[Update a while later]
Mark Steyn: Talent returned to God.
[Update at noon]
Rush Limbaugh was my radio dad.
[Update early afternoon]
Remember Rush: A conservative messenger who changed the dialogue.
[Thursday-morning update]
Tammy Bruce remembers Rush.
[Update a while later]
Helen Smith (Glenn Reynolds’ wife) recalls when Rush interviewed her.
Gives a rose to Ibram X. Kendi.
Lunacy. Don’t ever give in to these totalitarians.
[Update a few minutes later]
Why you should never, ever apologize to the woke police.
I’ve always thought he was both a jerk and a fool, but this takes the cake.
…to social control.
I disagree with the last graf, though. The left has never been about the liberation of human beings or, if it imagines it was, it has always had the opposite effect whenever it gains control.
[Update a few minutes later]
A reminder: There are no socialist success stories.
I, too, in high school had to memorize that soliloquy.
Ezra Klein misapprehends them.
To be fair, Ezra is an equal-opportunity misapprehender.
What does the House have in common with the Philadelphia Eagles?
How is comparing today’s political climate to Nazi Germany anti-Semitic?
[Update a few minutes later]
I don’t know where that first link came from, but I think it’s fixed now.
[Update a while later]
Carano’s firing is just more Calvinball.
And she gets her job back by identifying as an abusive male director.
[Friday-morning update]
We watched this movie the other night, and enjoyed it. I did find the love story extraneous, though.