How is comparing today’s political climate to Nazi Germany anti-Semitic?
[Update a few minutes later]
I don’t know where that first link came from, but I think it’s fixed now.
[Update a while later]
Carano’s firing is just more Calvinball.
And she gets her job back by identifying as an abusive male director.
[Friday-morning update]
Baby Yoda cries.
We watched this movie the other night, and enjoyed it. I did find the love story extraneous, though.
Ten ways to fight back against it.
A good description of what’s been happening with the stock. I was discussing this with some other options traders this morning.
[Update a while later]
More here.
[Late-night update]
Stop laughing about this stock manipulation.
It could be a harbinger of things to come.
[Friday-morning update]
Suck it, Wall Street.
Someone made a trailer of a muppet version, and it does seem watchable.
A list of new cars that you can still buy with a stick shift. I don’t know how much longer they’ll survive, but it will be an end of an era.
[Via Glenn, who points out that they make excellent anti-theft insurance, since most young people don’t know how to drive them]
I’ll bet Google won’t let this stay up for long. It’s too subversive.
Thoughts from Andrew Doyle on how British comedians seem to have lost their sense of “humour.”
Why can’t Star Wars Storm Troopers shoot straight?
Biting Commentary about Infinity…and Beyond!