Category Archives: Popular Culture
The Dissident California Right
We’ll know there’s a scintilla of hope if we can toss Newsom in September.
A Cautionary Tale?
Karl Gallagher has started a new SF series that sadly resonates with what’s happening on this planet today.
Marilyn Monroe’s Death
I’ve long been skeptical that she took her own life. I’m sure that she had a lot of politically inconvenient stories to tell.
Want To Save America?
Don’t act like a conservative.
What Does Branson’s Flight Mean?
I have a post up over at SpaceTech Analytics.
[Saturday-morning update]
More thoughts over at The Verge.
If You Hate The Culture Wars
S3x In Space
Every few years, someone has to do an article like this.
Once people are paying to go for their own purposes, instead of being government employees at taxpayer expense, there will be plenty of hanky panky up there.
What the hell?
The Billionaire Space Race
I’m quoted in this article. I talked to Kaplan quite a bit for it, but he obviously talked to a lot of other people as well.