Why it’s gotten hard to understand. A long, but interesting (at least to me, who in a former life was an audio engineer) read.
[Afternoon update]
This story reminded me of this spoof of The Dark Knight.
Why it’s gotten hard to understand. A long, but interesting (at least to me, who in a former life was an audio engineer) read.
[Afternoon update]
This story reminded me of this spoof of The Dark Knight.
…is a fundamentalist religion.
…with well-earned disdain.
[Update a few minutes later]
This would seem related.
I don’t think this is going to help the Democrats in November.
…Part 2.
A eulogy.
I’ve driven a stick all my life. I’ve never bought a car with an automatic transmission, and I hope my next car will be a stick as well, because the BMW is getting long in the tooth. Beyond the aesthetics described here, it’s good theft insurance, because most young people don’t know how to drive them.
I’ve been saying for decades that I’d never raise a kid in California; they should be raised someplace with weather and culture that will make them tougher, and then be allowed to move there. But now the state has provided another reason.
For its part, Webb suffered repeated delays and cost overruns even before the COVID-19 pandemic slowed work on a number of projects in both the public and private sectors. Initially meant to launch in 2010 at a cost of $3 billion, Webb eventually launched last December at a final cost of more than $10 billion. Similarly, the enormous Space Launch System rocket has cost more and taken far longer to lift off from Kennedy Space Center than originally planned – though NASA now expects to finally launch the rocket that will take astronauts back to the Moon at the end of August or beginning of September.
All the same, criticisms focused on excessive delays and busted budgets tend to fall by the wayside when we see the results of America’s space exploration programs. That’s certainly been the case with Webb, whose first images have received a rapturous reception by the media and public alike. But few people would say that this sense of wonder and inspiration is the reason America invests as much of its national resources as it does in space exploration, and even fewer would say it’s worth the financial costs involved.
One of these things is not like the others. I’m confident that history will record that SLS/Orion played a trivial, if not non-existent role in actual space exploration. And (as always) I would reiterate that out exploration of space will be much more effective when it is rightly viewed as not an end, but a means to a grander goal: the development and settlement of a new frontier, and the expansion of life and consciousness into the universe.
On the 53rd anniversary, thoughts from Rick Tumlinson.
Also, it’s still not too late to do the space seder.